Bei welchem Anbieter sind eure Server?

  • . Gute Preise, guter Support und keine Probleme bezüglich der Anbindung.
    Server sind problemlos erweiterbar.

    Hatte mal einen Root Server bei G-Portal. Preise sind ok, der Support ist gut und die Leistung und Anbindung war ebenfalls gut.

    Have a nice day. :)

  • I manage, managed, have(*) or have had VPS'ses and Dedicated servers at these companies:
    These are just my experiences, it could've been a faulty server, an incident or anything.

    * TransIP (NL): Good support (friendly and a lot of knowledge), a range of well-designed products and a very good uptime, highly customizable. Price/quality is good. Little higher price, good quality.

    * DirectVPS (NL): Good support (friendly, fast and a lot of knowledge), apart from the occasional problem, but always well-documented. High uptime, not as customizable as TransIP but just about enough. Price/quality is good. Average price, above normal quality.

    Server4You (EU): For me a real no-go for VPS'ses, customer support don't speak English well, overly complex guidelines for them and a lot of service interruptions. Price/quality is bad. Average price, low quality.

    BlueHost (GB): Quick support (friendly, and in my case fast support, but they always needed to escalate before solving), quality of the connection is bad, server seems to be on a slow route to my ISPs and other servers (+/- 10Mbps). Price/quality isn't that good. Cheap, low quality.

    Strato (EU): Under-average support (slow respond-time, usually not able to solve technical problems), some downtime. Price/quality bad. Higher price, lower quality.

    BestdealVPS: Just bad, all the possible kernel errors you can imagine will pass you the first day.

    PCExtreme: Good support (friendly, fast and a lot of knowledge (after escalation)), had some problems with older kernels, so moved the VPSses from this company to one where I can install my own kernels. That problem has been adressed by PCExtreme. Below average price/quality. Higher price, lower quality

    Komme ich prima mit zurecht. Gute Preise, guter Service. Da haben andere zwar auch.
    Habe mich aber für die entschieden, weil ich weiß wo die ihre Server stehen haben.
    Habe jahrelang in dem RZ gearbeitet (für ein Unternehmen das aus einer ganz anderen Ecke kommt - Börse) und kenne da einige Firmen und wer da wie mit wem zusammenhängt.
    War definitiv ein Kriterium für mich.

    i-MSCP 1.5.3