Can't create database with same name

  • Hi
    I found (for me ) a problem.
    I create 2 or more users and I want to create 2 site's with 2 blogs wordpress.

    User1 - -> Database Name: "blog".
    User2 - -> Database Name: "blog" doesn't work, must be different.

    I guess this problem it is because when mysql create databases, din't create something like: name_blog, or userID_blog, or domain_blog.
    Is that ok ? ?(

    I forgot. I have version I-MSCP v1.1.18

  • If you want to add a db prefix (user id)per default, just rerun the installer and select the wished option. I don't know the exact parameter, but you could also rerun it with -rd (reconfigure, debug).
    PS: already existing databases will not be renamed.

  • Hi Ninos,

    a very good Info and example to explain the benefits of mysql database prefix/suffix in german install docu!

    ty vm (I hate abbreviations *lol*)

    If you want to add a db prefix (user id)per default, just rerun the installer and select the wished option. I don't know the exact parameter, but you could also rerun it with -rd (reconfigure, debug).
    PS: already existing databases will not be renamed.

  • I don't know the exact parameter, but you could also rerun it with -rd (reconfigure, debug).

    Example for the 1.2.x branch

    How to get list of general options:

    1. root@trusty:/usr/local/src/imscp# perl imscp-autoinstall -?Usage: perl imscp-autoinstall [OPTION]... -b, --build-only Process build steps only. -f, --force-reinstall Force reinstallation of distro packages. -s, --skip-distro-packages Do not install/update distro packages. -r, --reconfigure [item] Type --reconfigure help. -n, --noprompt Switch to non-interactive mode. -p, --preseed <file> Path to preseed file. -l, --listener <file> Path to listener file. -c --clean-packages-cache Cleanup i-MSCP packages cache. -a --skip-packages-update Skip i-MSCP packages update -d, --debug Force debug mode. -?, --help Show this help.

    How to get list of available items for reconfiguration:

    1. root@trusty:/usr/local/src/imscp# perl imscp-autoinstall -r helpUsage: perl imscp-autoinstall [OPTION]... -b, --build-only Process build steps only. -f, --force-reinstall Force reinstallation of distro packages. -s, --skip-distro-packages Do not install/update distro packages. -r, --reconfigure [item] Type --reconfigure help. -n, --noprompt Switch to non-interactive mode. -p, --preseed <file> Path to preseed file. -l, --listener <file> Path to listener file. -c --clean-packages-cache Cleanup i-MSCP packages cache. -a --skip-packages-update Skip i-MSCP packages update -d, --debug Force debug mode. -?, --help Show this help. Without any argument, the --reconfigure option allows to reconfigure allitems. You can reconfigure a specific item by passing it name as argument. Available items are: all|servers|httpd|mta|mailfilters|po|ftpd|named|sql|hostnames|system_hostnamepanel_hostname|resolver|ips|admin|php|panel_ssl|services_ssl|ssl|backupwebstats|sqlmanager|webmail|filemanager|antirootkits

    So, the command is ( using short options ):

    1. # perl imscp-autoinstall -dasr sql

    d: Force debug mode whatever the value of the DEBUG parameter in the imscp.conf file
    a: Skip packages update ( composer packages: eg PhpMyadmin, Pydio (AjaxPlorer), Roundcube... )
    s: Skip distro packages update ( so here, not distro package will be updated and the question about alternatives for the service (if any) will not be shown )
    r: Enable reconfiguration mode
    sql: Argument of the r option which specify the item we want to reconfigure ( here, the SQL service )

    Note 1: A service alternative is an alternative server implementation for a specific service such as Mysql, MariaDB or Percona.
    Note 2: You can do the same with the /var/www/imscp/engine/setup/imscp-setup script, excepted the fact that you cannot switch services ( eg: courier <--> dovecot ). Indeed, Only the imscp-autoinstall script handle packages installation. So here, the s option become irrelevant.
