ProFTPD - A TLS fatal alert has been received

  • in 1.1.18 wurde ja die Unterstützung für proftpd sslv2 & sslv3 Protokolle wegen den Poodle Attacken deaktiviert ...
    Gibt es momenatn überhaupt einen FTP Client der noch über SSL benutzbar ist, oder mache ich etwas falsch?
    Bei FileZilla z.b. gehts nur noch unverschüsselt bei SSL gibts eine Fehlermeldung:

    1. Befehl: AUTH TLS
    2. Antwort: 234 AUTH TLS successful
    3. Status: Initialisiere TLS...
    4. Fehler: GnuTLS error -12: A TLS fatal alert has been received.
    5. Fehler: Herstellen der Verbindung zum Server fehlgeschlagen
  • Hello ;

    Bug confirmed. I'll fix.


  • Re ;

    Ok, the cipher list was wrong. I've forgot that TLS share SSL3 ciphers which should not be disabled so. TLS must be forced only by the TLSProtocol parameter .I've also fixed some other things in same time such as the NoSessionReuseRequired parameter which is not always available.

    Now, this is working:

    FileZilla output

    1. Status: Resolving address of domain.tldStatus: Connecting to Connection established, waiting for welcome message...Response: 220 ProFTPD 1.3.5rc3 Server ( [::ffff:]Command: AUTH TLSResponse: 234 AUTH TLS exécuté avec succèsStatus: Initializing TLS...Status: Verifying certificate...Command: USER nuxwin@domain.tldStatus: TLS/SSL connection established.Response: 331 Mot de passe requis pour nuxwin@domain.tldCommand: PASS ********Response: 230 Utilisateur nuxwin@domain.tld authentifiéCommand: OPTS UTF8 ONResponse: 200 UTF-8 activéCommand: PBSZ 0Response: 200 PBSZ 0 exécuté avec succèsCommand: PROT PResponse: 200 Protection set to PrivateStatus: ConnectedStatus: Retrieving directory listing...Command: PWDResponse: 257 "/" est le répertoire courantStatus: Directory listing successfulStatus: Disconnected from server


    1. root@trusty:/usr/local/src/imscp# tail -fn0 /var/log/proftpd/ftp_ssl.log
    2. 2014-12-08 02:16:18,467 mod_tls/2.4.5[21158]: TLS/TLS-C requested, starting TLS handshake
    3. 2014-12-08 02:16:18,490 mod_tls/2.4.5[21158]: client supports secure renegotiations
    4. 2014-12-08 02:16:18,490 mod_tls/2.4.5[21158]: TLSv1/SSLv3 connection accepted, using cipher DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA (128 bits)
    5. 2014-12-08 02:16:18,543 mod_tls/2.4.5[21158]: Protection set to Private

    Don't forget that you must use explicit TLS connection by adding the ftpes prefix. For instance: ftpes://domain.tld

    I'll commit in few minutes.


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