[Mysql] Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket

  • Hummm now the server is working again.
    About the "garbage", I read something about i-mscp 1.1.14 and a problem with the cron job.
    It was fixed with the 1.1.15 if I have good memory

    About the right of /... I don't kown what to say.
    I tried to reinstall mysql/mariadb, but I didn't "play with fire"...

    Anycase, thanks for looking : the server is running now. I will probably reinstall everything during next days....

  • Re;

    The garbages here doesn't come from the i-MSCP bug (which has been solved). The bug for which you are talking has generated some files starting by i-MSCP.... Nothing to do with your garbages. Trust me, your server is broken..


  • What is surprising me, is that server is quite new (just few weeks of existance) and I have nearly nothing on it (only 2 big sites).
    I did a fresh Wheezy install and a fressh i-mscp 1.1.14 installation.

    What's appends yesterday it's the /var partition which was full (because of logs).
    I thing the problem comes from this "server crash"

    Mysteriously, the server is working now (the 2 websites are online now, from your intervention).
    But I don't have access to i-mscp and PMA for exemple, probably because my trying to update i-mscp to 1.1.17 this afternoon.

    As mysql is come back, I tried a second time to upgrade i-mscp but I had this error :

    I really thing i-mscp is more broken (more specificaly the database of i-mscp) than the server itself, but I will restart with a new install, to be sure :)

    Thanks again :)

  • The imscp database is broken. ibdata file is totally corrupted.


  • [offtopic] Last Year i changed from a commercial server control panel to i-mscp, using a brand new server, installed by myself with debian 7 from original repositorys.
    First installing of the (for my person brandnew) i-mscp first stable release runs without errors
    Only my old server, used as a test server after migration from all websites to the new i-mscp-controlled server, had problems with imscp, Nuxwin fixed the server in a few minutes...

    Phinous: If Nuxwin says that your Server is broken and you should reinstall it, you can trust him!