1.1.15 after update admin login page error

  • Hello,
    At the top of the browser gives me this error.
    no problem logging in, but the top still showed this warning

    Warning: is_readable(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/usr/share/pear/Zend/Translate/Adapter/Gettext.php) is not within the allowed path(s): (/var/www/imscp/gui/:/etc/imscp/:/proc/:/bin/df:/bin/mount:/var/log/rkhunter.log:/var/log/chkrootkit.log:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear/) in /var/www/imscp/gui/library/vendor/Zend/Loader.php on line 186

    Linux:ubuntu trusty
    i-MSCP version:1.1.14

    OpEn YouR mINd , OpeN YouR SourcE cOdE

  • Hello ;

    You installed Zend through APT ? Please give me an access to the server.


  • Re;

    Teamviewer suck... I've been disconnected... Well, to solve your problem, you try to edit the following file: /var/www/imscp/gui/library/imscp-lib.php and change line 73 to:

    1. set_include_path(LIBRARY_PATH . '/vendor' . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path());


  • It's fixed on your server. This was because in your /etc/imscp/imscp.conf file, the PEAR_DIR value was :

    1. /usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear

    The problem is that the /usr/share/pear directory doesn't exist on your system. Anyway, the correct value is:

    1. /usr/share/php

    I'll improve the include path setup in i-MSCP to avoid such problem even if your parameter are wrong.
