I've found a problem with the external mail server function.
I've configured i-MSCP to use a external name server and when i set the external mail server this function does not work, because it supposed to use the internal DNS.
In /etc/postfix/imscp/relay_domains i found correctly the domain desired to redirect, but postfix is not able to relay.
The /etc/postfix/imscp/transport file is empty and to correctly relay the domain i must to edit this file with, eg:
and run
It's possible to fix this problem?
My i-MSCP configuration:
System: Ubuntu 14.04 (trusty tahr)
i-MSCP Git 1.1.x Build: 20140915
Server implementation: Apache/2.4.7 with php5-fpm 5.5.9 , dovecot 2.2.9
Thank you very much