
  • Hello!

    I don't understand the "open_basedir" settings. I would like to use Drupal 7, but this CMS is need the open_basedir setting. (open_basedir limit)

    I make two domain same settings one works is good and other doesn't work :@ .

    I try found php.ini, but I don't found how I write the "open_basedir =".

    find / -name php.ini

    All files
    Where is the /var/www/fcgi/ ?

    How can I fix the the "open_basedir" problem? Which file needs to be changed?



  • Kess: Yes I think, because I don't know why can I use it simple...

    Ninos: I hope this is the information -

    I check it: apache php fpm -> If I dont change the install, then It will install.

    Other question what is the different apache php fpm; apache itk and apache fcgid?

  • Ok so have a look in /etc/php5/fpm/. There should be also a master config.
    The differences are just the services, the results are all the same (excluded performance,...)

  • Hello ;


    Next time you are posting without give us further information about your system, you'll see your thread deleted. Also, that would be great if you search on the forum before posting because the question about where to find the php.ini file has been answered several time already.

    Furthermore, we are not your teacher. The open_basedir parameter should not be changed normally (if you installed Drupal correctly).


    Please, next time, do your moderator job correctly. We have not time to lost with such a thread. ;)


    Thank you both for your understanding ;)


  • Thread closed.... Give us needed informations or you will not get any support.


    I see it in last time a lot, that you give support to threads which are not in correct forum, which are not i-MSCP related or something else.

    You are representing i-MSCP and so, you must do your Job correctly.

    If you mean, you won't be longer a Mod, let me know ;)

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