Migration from ispCP to i-MSCP

  • hi,

    i have now ispcp running and want to switch to i-mscp.

    - is the wiki up-to-date to do that?
    - if possible, can somebody do this for me for a small fee? :)

  • hi,

    i have now ispcp running and want to switch to i-mscp.

    - is the wiki up-to-date to do that?

    Instead of wiki, the most updated information is on the documentation, you should read the document here (docs/Migrate from ispCP)

    It should be more or less ok, according to the forum threads, the people are not having much issues.

    - if possible, can somebody do this for me for a small fee? :)

    You should PM nuxwin, he used to give support on ispcp on a per-time basis

  • thanks, trying to upgrade:

    admin:~/imscp# perl imscp-autoinstall
    "remove_tree" is not exported by the File::Path module
    Can't continue after import errors at /root/imscp/engine/PerlLib/iMSCP/Dir.pm line 211
    BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /root/imscp/engine/PerlLib/iMSCP/Dir.pm line 211.
    Compilation failed in require at imscp-autoinstall line 51.
    BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at imscp-autoinstall line 51.
    [ ERROR ] iMSCP::Debug::END: Exit code is 9!

  • you mean i-MSCP - not the other one... don't you?

  • Are you on debian squeeze or which system?

  • OS?

    I didn't try but maybe you can install libfile-path-perl ?


  • What gOOvER wanted to tell:

    "Sorry - but i-MSCP does not support Debian 5."
    *Maybe* it works but not out-of-the-box...


  • What gOOvER wanted to tell:

    "Sorry - but i-MSCP does not support Debian 5."
    *Maybe* it works but not out-of-the-box...


    updated to Debian squeeze but did something wrong, mysql wouldnt start anymore.

    worst case scenario: can i install imscp and import the backup somehow from ispcp?