I found the following errors while translate:
# imscp/gui/client/domain_manage.php
'TR_DOMAINS' => Domains, => 'TR_DOMAINS' => tr('Domains'),
'TR_CREATE_DATE' => Creation date, => 'TR_CREATE_DATE' => tr('Creation date'),
'TR_EXPIRE_DATE' => Expire date, => 'TR_EXPIRE_DATE' => tr('Expire date'),
Missing from the original pot file (I do not know to translate):
# functions.ticket_system.php
set_page_message(tr('You have no tickets open.'), 'info');
set_page_message(tr('You have no tickets closed.'), 'info');
# sw-functions.php
$tpl->assign('SW_STATUS', tr('activated (Softwaredepot)'));
$tpl->assign('NO_RESELLER', tr('No reseller with activated software installer found!'));
$tpl->assign(array('NO_SOFTWARE' => tr('No software is waiting for activation')));
'NO_RESELLER' => tr('No Reseller with permissions for this software found'),
'NO_RESELLER_AVAILABLE' => tr('No Reseller available to add the permissions'),
'TR_MESSAGE_REMOVE' => tr('Are you sure to remove the permissions ?', true),
'ALL_RESELLER_NAME' => tr('All reseller'),
'RIGHTS_LINK' => tr('Rights'),
$tpl->assign('SOFTWARE_NEED_DATABASE', tr('required'));
$tpl->assign('SOFTWARE_NEED_DATABASE', tr('not required'));
'SOFTWARE_STATUS' => tr('installed'),
tr('not installed'),
$tpl->assign('DEL_SOFTWARE_ACTION', tr('Uninstall'));
'TR_DEL_SOFTWARE' => tr('Installed Package which was deleted by your reseller.'),
'SOFTWARE_DEL_RES_MESSAGE' => tr('This Package (%s, V%s) was deleted by your reseller. You can only uninstall this package!<br />Please delete the files and database for this package manually!', $software_name, $software_version),
# client-functions.php
return tr('Domain mail');
return tr('Email forward');
return tr('Alias mail');
return tr('Alias forward');
return tr('Subdomain mail');
return tr('Subdomain forward');
return tr('Alias subdomain mail');
return tr('Alias subdomain forward');
return tr('Domain mail');
return tr('Domain mail');
return tr('Unknown type');
# reseller-functions.php
return tr('Addition in progress');
return tr('Modification in progress');
return tr('Deletion in progress');
return tr('Suspended');
return tr('Being enabled');
return tr('Being suspended');
return tr('Awaiting approval');
return tr('Unknown error');
# shared-functions.php
tr('Vendor hompage')
'TR_PACKAGE_INSTALL' => tr('Start installation'),
set_page_message(tr("No update for the websoftware depot list available"), 'warning');
set_page_message(tr("Websoftware depot list was updated"), 'info');
'sLengthMenu' => tr('Show %s records per page', true, '_MENU_'),
'sZeroRecords' => tr('Nothing found - sorry', true),
'sInfo' => tr('Showing %s to %s of %s records', true, '_START_', '_END_', '_TOTAL_'),
'sInfoEmpty' => tr('Showing 0 to 0 of 0 records', true),
'sInfoFiltered' => tr('(filtered from %s total records)', true, '_MAX_'),