i-MSCP update 1.1.13 -> You must wait util the end of processes and re-run the installer.

  • Dear All,

    I tried to update from i-MSCP 1.1.11 to 1.1.13.
    I did updates many times before successfull, followed this steps: http://wiki.i-mscp.net/doku.php?id=start:upgrade:ubuntu

    But when I try to update to 1.1.13 I get this error message from the installer script after few steps:
    "An i-MSCP or related process is currently running on your system. You must wait until the end of the processes and re-run the installer."
    (see attached pic)

    What can I do to make the update?
    Thank you!



  • @BInspiron

    It's not an error message ;) Just try to understand the message and you'll figure out ;)


  • @Nuxwin

    Thanks, but the earlier updates worked without any service stopping.

    I tried to stop the imscp service but it wasn't enough.
    I tried to search about this, but nothing.
    Which services have to stop for this update?
    Maybe the installer messages could be more specific...

    Thank you!

  • have a look what processes are running.
    as i remeber ríght, all i-mscp processes starts with "imscp". ;)

    i use for long term monitoring the tool "htop".

    maybe this could help. ;)

  • Do a "ps aux", that will show you all running processes.

    After, post it here, if when you run the installer the message still appear, we will see if there is a process that you didn't see.

  • @FISA4

    Not necessarily ;)

    The following locks will prevent the installer to do the job:

    • imscp-backup-all
    • imscp-backup-imscp
    • imscp-dsk-quota
    • imscp-srv-traff
    • imscp-vrl-traff
    • awstats_updateall.pl
    • imscp


