Update with error - no Panel

  • An actual made update went well until it would configure nginx. I did never ever use nginx, but it seems that with the last git-update (stable branch) came the fact, that i-mscp wants to use nginx for his own frontend.
    Now I don'n know whats newly has been changed and what can I do to get a running system.
    System: Debian wheezy 7.6 / Maria-DB 5.5.28 / vServer at S4Y

    It is strange that the updates have been always works without problems until today...
    Also the script did neither ask for the db-system (in the past it did) nor for the php-version or usability (fpm / fast-cgi) what ist also did in the past.

    Thanks for help in advance


  • ups sorry, forgot it to copy...
    Here is it:

    iMSCP::Net::getAddrDevice: Unknown IP:
    Package::FrontEnd::start: Unable to start nginx service
    iMSCP::Execute::getExitCode: External command died with signal 2, without
    main::setupRestartServices: Unable to restart FRONTEND service
    iMSCP::Debug::END: Exit code: 1
    Hope it helps to get an idea


  • what error do you get after restarting nginx manually?
    service nginx restart

  • it cannot be restartet, but wit start it bleeds about the ip-adress of the server ist would be already in use , whereby he indeed is right, because it is occupied by apache.
    Since when is nginx used by i-mscp and apache at the same time? I think that was previously not so, right?

  • Right. With i-MSCP 1.2.0 i-MSCP use NGINX for the Panel, Apache for the Webs....

    I can't confirm any Errors or Problems after Updating with the Stable Branch (former nginx-panel-branch); i run since 3 Weeks the nginx without any Problems..

    In Fact, the Stable Branch is BETA State and you update on your own Risk........ ; Normally you should READ the Changes BEFORE Updating ;)

    Nuxwin opend a new branch for the 1.1.x Series..... ;)

    Why your Server don't know Localhost??

    Unknown IP:

  • o.k you had me given a little remider - I'd forgot that stable is obselete and master is the right....
    Is it possible without lost of data to downgrade to master? - if so, then I will this try.

    Why nginx doesn'n know do I not know, I've never done before somthing with this webserver.
    The hostfile is o.k, the hostname is ok, it's a mystery for me, because the mariadb does right run with localhost...

    And another info:
    I've changed the port in the 00_master of nginx in 8888; now it redirects to 4443 and then nginx gives an error message or better http-Error 502 Bad gateway.
    What this shold be completely eludes my knowledge - why do nginx need a gateway and where can this be set?
    Remember - its a vServer (i would think its a virtual container) with a interface venet0 with the IP and vemet0:0 witn the public IP given by the Server-Hoster.
    Could it be, that nginx can not handle virtual environments without special configuration?

  • Can you ping yourself with ?
    Is "" part of your /etc/hosts ?
    "localhost" is resolving to ?

    Some Hypervisor use "" instead of "

  • @hempelr

    The stable branch (alias master) hold the code for the next minor release 1.2.0. In the 1.2.0 version, the panel is running on a dedicated httpd instance using nginx and on dedicated ports (default is 8080 for http and 4443 for https). This branch is our main development branch, and you use it at your risks. As stated by @gOOvER the 1.1.x serie code has been moved in the 1.1.x branch for maintenance releases.

    I'm using proxmox with some openVZ containers for the development and I can assure you that it's working out of the box. You must not change anything in the nginx configuration files without knowing what you are doing.

    If you want, I can fix your setup. Give me an ssh access.


  • High nuxwin,
    thanks - I'm tomorrow at work and if nothing occurs then should we make a contact that you can look at the server - it's the webserver of my work where I'm employed and the situation is not so easy if it would give greater problems....
    I could be angry about myself that I did'nt test it on one of my private (test)servers - but I think it is to solve....

    Greetings and a good night
