FTP Account deleting impossible

  • Hi,

    i reportet:

    Now i have this account still there and i cant delete, with the same error. I did the update to RC3.

    How can i delete this Account? (maybe trought PMA?)



  • Yes.

    you may - if you do not want to upgrade - remove the entry in the database.

    login in pma - change to db imscp, table ftp_group and ftp_users... there you need to search for the right entry...

    remove them (in ftp_users there's one line, in ftp_groups either en entry in the field members in one line - or you may remove the line (if only one member)).... I hope you see the point...

    Since proftpd directly reads in this place - no further changes are needed.


  • Well i still have this problem in stable ?
    So the fix for it should be included but doesn´t seems to work :-/

    Can someone please recheck it in current stable ?

    Thanks & Greez