admin password not working

  • @Ninos

    Yes, MD5 works as a fallback but passwords which are hashed with MD5 always are always re-encrypted with the better algorithm available on first login.


  • Yes it worked like a charm!

    A big thanks to both of you!

    Ok I just created a second admin und change the password again but it didnt work either so i picked another one.

    here is the password that didnt work:


    i dont know why but dont think that i misspelled it.

  • Hi,

    my password has mysteriously changed and I can't log in as admin anymore :-S

    I have tried the mysql method mentioned above and changed the admin password to a md5 value (which I had generated here), it all went through without errors. However, I still can't log in - not with the chosen PW nor with its md5 value.

    I can still log in as one of the users, but not as admin anymore.

    This is strange, I am almost 100% sure I didn't change the PW.

    BTW, the password recovery didn't work and I never received a mail.

    What else can I try to regain admin access to my installation?

    Thanks for some leads ...

  • @technotravel


    1. # mysql -u root -p<your_sql_root_password>
    2. > use imscp;
    3. > TRUNCATE login;
    4. > UPDATE admin SET admin_pass = MD5('<your_new_password>') WHERE admin_name = '<your_admin_name>';
    5. >\q

    Once done, try to login.


  • YES !!!! It worked!

    So the truncate must come before the PW change - good to know.

    Now if I knew how this password has changed ... but nevermind :-)

    Thx a lot, Nuxwin, you nightowl ;-)


    Edit: no, it didn't work. It actually just reloaded the client I had logged in before :-( and in my enthusiasm I didn't realise that immediately.

    Another suggestion?

  • @technotravel

    nops... The method I've given above should work. Maybe you could add my ssh key to your server and give me the URL to the panel.


  • I tested on your server. I cannot reproduce the problem. Thread closed.
