Demo start page is not in english

  • I just wanted to test for a bug before reporting it, and went to the demo, the problem is that the login screen is not in english and unless you know the passwords (that are on the forum, but it's not obvious) you can't login.

    Once logged, the CP is in english, so then it's fine.


    • demoimscp.png

      (43.11 kB, downloaded 65 times, last: )
  • Hello ;

    I'll check that ASAP. Anyway, I must update the demo server to latest version.

    Thanks you for your report.


  • I just connect to it and reverted it back to english.

    This part of the DB is writable, so any testing user can change the language ;)

    (Administrator1 and whole panel should be in English now).

  • Can you change the status from "in progress" to "Solved"?

  • Hello ;

    No ;) I'll change it once the demo server will be updated ;)


  • So funny, someone has change all the languages (some kind of China/Japanese as default, and PL on Admin1 (don't check which one are set)).

    Maybe the demo version should be fixed/blocked in English (and just show the list of supported language without any possibility of changes).

  • I'll add an event listener which will prevent that ;)
