Dovecot user can't access imscp

  • @Nuxwin

    I'd made a fresh installation and the user for dovecot can't acces the imscp database.
    After some testing i found out that the problem was the password which contains some chars which let the dovecot user not access the database over the dovecot daemon ()
    The password which was generated:

    1. {\A;R*^1>a;2g?BR

    The access to mysql on shh shell works perfect, but not over the dovecot daemon. After changing the password (without ^) the dovecot worker can connect successfully.
    Can you please check this. Maybe some chars will not work.

  • Hello ;

    I'll check ;)

    Thanks for your report.


  • Re;

    Confirmed ;)

    1. root@ct105:~# doveadm auth nuxwin@domain.tld default123

    I'll fix this now.


  • Re;

    The backslash is allowed but must be escaped before inserted in dovecot-sql.conf file.

    To resume:


    must be


    And all work as expected.

    1. root@ct105:~# doveadm auth nuxwin@domain.tld default123
    2. passdb: nuxwin@domain.tld auth succeeded
    3. extra fields:
    4. user=nuxwin@domain.tld
    5. root@ct105:~#


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