Apache neustart schlägt fehl in Verbindung mit Logrotate

  • Hallo Zusammen,

    ich habe genau das gleiche Problem wie im Thread Apache2 immer restart. Jeden Morgen um 06:25 Uhr stellt sich der Apache nach einem Reload hin.
    Ich kann wie Nuxwin via "cd /etc/logrotate.d && logrotate --force apache2" das Ganze nachvollziehen. An der Serverleistung kann es hier nicht liegen, es sind kaum laufende Prozesse um diese Uhrzeit. Auf dem Server läuft im Moment auch noch so gut wie nichts.

    Auszug aus dem error.log
    DBI connect('database=imscp;host=;port=3306','vlogger_user',...) failed: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111) at /usr/local/sbin/vlogger line 266.
    DBI connect('database=imscp;host=;port=3306','vlogger_user',...) failed: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111) at /usr/local/sbin/vlogger line 266.
    [Tue Jun 10 06:25:03.676626 2014] [mpm_worker:notice] [pid 1960:tid 140613756802944] AH00297: SIGUSR1 received. Doing graceful restart
    [Tue Jun 10 06:25:04.096148 2014] [core:notice] [pid 1960] AH00060: seg fault or similar nasty error detected in the parent process

    i-MSCP Version:
    i-MSCP Git stable
    Build: 20140525
    Codename: Eagle

    Dedicated Server
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz
    RAM: 32 GB
    OS: Ubuntu 14.04

    Gruß Polarwelt

    Wer HTML postet oder gepostetes HTML quotet oder sich gepostetes oder
    gequotetes HTML beschafft und in Verkehr bringt, wird mit PHP nicht unter zwei Jahren bestraft.

  • Hello;

    This bug has been fixed in version 1.1.10 (build 20140608). You are using an older version (build 20140525). Please update to the latest available version (i-MSCP 1.1.11 build 20140608)
    Next time please, look at our CHANGELOG before opening a thread.

    Thanks you


  • Hy Nuxwin,

    thank you for reply.

    I have updated to the latest version of i-mscp[1], but the problem is still available. Every day at 06:25 am the apache webserver still hangs after the graceful reload [2].

    Sorry about my bad english.



    i-MSCP 1.1.11
    Build: 20140608
    Codename: Eagle

    [Thu Jun 12 06:25:02.138005 2014] [mpm_worker:notice] [pid 13453:tid 139703199836032] AH00297: SIGUSR1 received. Doing graceful restart
    [Thu Jun 12 06:25:02.707821 2014] [core:notice] [pid 13453] AH00060: seg fault or similar nasty error detected in the parent process

    Wer HTML postet oder gepostetes HTML quotet oder sich gepostetes oder
    gequotetes HTML beschafft und in Verkehr bringt, wird mit PHP nicht unter zwei Jahren bestraft.

  • Hello ;

    Can you give me an SSH access. I would investigate.



  • @Nuxwin Sorry for this reason.... but you're the best, I bow before you. Can you help me also?

    I had the same Problem, but i dont now whether the problem is in PHPswitcher or Logrotate or whatever?
    In the file /etc/logrotate.d/apache i changed the apache reload to restart. Then the Apache Crash every Day is clear. But then i installed PHPswitcher the Problem is every 2-4 Hours.

    In the Error Log in Apache2 is this Entry every Crash:
    [Tue Sep 02 13:40:05.610491 2014] [core:notice] [pid 26477] AH00060: seg fault or similar nasty error detected in the parent process

    Would you have SSH Access for this? I'm already really messed up! :( I need holidays, I despair! :(

    My config is:
    Ubuntu 14.04 LTS x64
    i-MSCP 1.1.13
    Apache 2.4
    PHP 5.5
    PHPswitcher 0.0.9 (with php 5.3 configured and works perfect)

  • @FlyingMike

    Sure, give me root access and I'll process some tests (this night or tomorrow) ;)

    BTW: http://nickfenwick.com/blog/20…ed-in-the-parent-process/


  • @FlyingMike

    I'll trace the process and find why the process get detached.
