Bug - Unable to add SSL certificate with private key which is protected by a passphrase

  • OK, give me some minutes. At the moment I'm on my mobile and my son is sleeping on me.

  • @mrpink

    Well, just kill your son and go ahead (OUCH , bad joke made in nuxwin :cursing: )... Nops, just let your son sleep and test after ;)

    Edit: I dislike myself so... :D


  • Problem is fixed and the panel certificate and services certificate are imported and working now.
    But I found a new bug. :(

    In the past the certificate was hostname.domainname.pem.
    Now we have two different, the panel certificate panel.domainname.pem and the services certificate imscp_services.pem.
    Therefor I deleted the old one hostname.domainname.pem.

    But when I start the ./imscp-autoinstall -d I get this message in the dialog: Your SSL certificate is missing or invalid and after all finished I have this error on the screen:

    1. [ERROR]
    2. iMSCP::OpenSSL::validatePrivateKey: SSL private key container
    3. /etc/imscp/hostname.domainname.pem doesn't exists

    With the certificate /etc/imscp/hostname.domainname.pem in place I do net get this error.

  • it's a bug. I'll fix that.


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  • I have made a new test and now everything is ok.
    Thank you, great work.