OK, give me some minutes. At the moment I'm on my mobile and my son is sleeping on me.
Problem is fixed and the panel certificate and services certificate are imported and working now.
But I found a new bug.In the past the certificate was hostname.domainname.pem.
Now we have two different, the panel certificate panel.domainname.pem and the services certificate imscp_services.pem.
Therefor I deleted the old one hostname.domainname.pem.But when I start the ./imscp-autoinstall -d I get this message in the dialog: Your SSL certificate is missing or invalid and after all finished I have this error on the screen:
With the certificate /etc/imscp/hostname.domainname.pem in place I do net get this error. -
it's a bug. I'll fix that.
I have made a new test and now everything is ok.
Thank you, great work. -