Local-Installation - Not possible because a not valid FQDN

  • I want to install I-MSCP in a LAN with the domain-name webdev.lan.
    It's not possible, because the install-routine meenst, that server1.webdev.lan would be not a valid full qualified tld.
    The problem is, that I can of some given reasons only take .lan as root-zone.
    No other virtual unixoides system did there sometimes complain. How is the trick to get i-mscp work with this root-zone?
    Neither Bind9 nor dnsmasq in a standalone installation does do any smallest problem with this .lan-root-zone - why does it i-mscp?
    It would be nice, if someone can tell me how is this bahavior to disable or to workaround.

    Greetings hempelr

  • I`ve read some arguments pro an contra .lan-tld-domains - and I will do some corrections in my LAN to get no conflicts and use one of my own domains btw. a subdomain for internal use. It speaks more again so called pseudodomains than for. But the "bad thing" is that it needs more "brain-work" to use no pseudodomains... ;-)
    Thanks and greetings
