Unable to update to 1.1.8 from 1.1.5

  • [ERROR]

    main::setupUpdateDatabase: [ERROR] r187 is not a valid database update method
    when I try to perform update I get this error

    #0 /var/www/imscp/gui/library/iMSCP/Update/Database.php(143):
    iMSCP_Update_Database->__call('r187', Array)
    #1 /var/www/imscp/gui/library/iMSCP/Update/Database.php(143):
    #2 /var/www/imscp/engine/setup/updDB.php(51):
    #3 {main}
    iMSCP::Debug::END: Exit code: 1

    debian 7


  • Seriously ? God, I'll kill myself...


  • Re;


    In the downloaded archive, edit the file gui/library/iMSCP/Update/Database.php and simply remove content from line 485 to 487. To resume the following:

    1. /** * Catch any database updates that were removed * * @throws iMSCP_Update_Exception * @param string $updateMethod Database update method name * @param array $param * @return void */ public function __call($updateMethod, $param) { if (strpos($updateMethod, '_databaseUpdate') === false) { throw new iMSCP_Update_Exception(sprintf('%s is not a valid database update method', $updateMethod)); } }

    must become


  • I also encounter this problem but I upgraded to 1.1.7 and then to 1.1.8 and it's working fine. I don't consider that this fix is an emergency. Nuxwin, go and take a break, a walk in the park or something so you can chill a little. :)

  • Hello

    Yes, this should be ok since the update r187 was moved to 188 in 1.1.8 ;)


    Thank you for your understanding. ;)
    I really need to surround myself with a small team of testers because frankly, I'll become crazy.
    4 releases in 24 hours... It is a shame and most importantly, a great proof of my incompetence :cursing:


  • It's not easy to be almost an one man army. Testing before release, that's a good idea. :D

  • I do some tests already... The problem is that I cannot test all in every possible contexts... i-MSCP 1.1.x lack of unit tests and so on... The version 2.x.x will come with unit tests for every module... ATM, it's really a pain.


  • Hi,

    I changed the Database.php but now I became the following error within the update:

  • It's not easy to be almost an one man army.

    This worries me a lot, actually.
    All I can do is provide a test server, will setup one this afternoon so I can help testing. Since my main server is a production server I never install upgrades before others found out that there are bugs :-)