Command line tools for i-mscp

  • I have improved a couple of tools created some time ago to manage the domains in the control panels. These scripts (made in php) can be used for administrators who need to manage several imscp installations and don't want to do every single step from the imscp control panel (you can script the changes easily with this scripts)

    The code should work properly altough I'd recommend to do some testing before trusting it totally.

    The most current code (that should work in 1.1.0-rc3 and newer can be downloaded from -> here

    Usage instructions can be found in the wiki -> here

    Feel free to contribute/comment on anything related on this thread or in the bitbucket repository.

    Edited once, last by aseques ().

  • For now no. Btw invitation to join us is still valid :)

  • I just uploaded a new version of the scripts, at the moment ftp creation doesn't work because it needs a rewrite, for the rest of domain actions the script should work as expected.
    ONLY testing at the moment.

  • Hello ;


    Here the little bootstrap that you asked to me for your i-MSCP CLI tool.

    1. You must include that bootstrap at top of your CLI script
    2. To get config object ---> $cfg = iMSCP_Registry::get('config')
    3. To get PDO instance (ready to use) ---> $db = iMSCP_Registry::get('db')

    Feel free to improve or ask me for any help.

    Note: Only compatible with revision: >=…1f35549d78cb476a103/imscp

    For backward compatibility, I'll do (if really needed)


  • It looks really good, I am starting to modify the code to take advantage of the new features.
    The only thing so far that I needed is the ability to use send_request() to the engine.

  • It looks really good, I am starting to modify the code to take advantage of the new features.
    The only thing so far that I needed is the ability to use send_request() to the engine.

    I've not implemented the send_request() method in the bootstrap. You have to do that in your common.php file. ;)


  • Just pushed a new version with FTP support.

  • Added the support to create the domain default mailboxes and fixed some problems with ftp creation.

  • Fixed the deletion commands, there's just the dns part missing :)

  • Now dns creation / deletion is finally working too, it's just a matter of polishing a bit everything and cleaning the code, but I will start using it in production soon.