Please enter an SQL user host

  • Hello everybody!

    the i-mscp says:

    Please enter an SQL user host.

    when i tyr to create a user for an existing database.
    I cannot find any settings to do this?

    I am using
    i-MSCP 1.1.5
    Build: 20140327
    Codename: Eagle


  • Hello ;

    Are you sure you updated correctly? Please show us the content of your /var/www/imscp/gui/themes/default/client/sql_user_add.tpl file.


    • sql_add.png

      (19.25 kB, downloaded 50 times, last: )


  • haaaa no!
    actually it looks like there went something from!

    But it says
    i-MSCP 1.1.5
    Build: 20140327
    Codename: Eagle

    on the left site

    But i found the error now. I was using a custom template!
    And it seems there changed some files !