I added Flags for your Country where you are living. So it's sometimnes better to see, what Language someone Speaks.
You can choose your Flag at:
scroll down..... There you can set First and Second Flag
I added Flags for your Country where you are living. So it's sometimnes better to see, what Language someone Speaks.
You can choose your Flag at:
scroll down..... There you can set First and Second Flag
Well, I don't see it '^^
I also just can select the language, but not a country...
Fu**ing Group Permissions Try it now
The assyrian nationality is missing :'D Joke it's working fine now
I confirm, it's good now
(The first is my nationality, the second is the second language I talk here, to use the two flags '^^)
Same here. However, I'll no talk French here nor in the French corner. The french is ugly, french is bad. More, the whole France is bad..