Upgrade from 1.1.0 RC2.3 to 1.1.4

  • Hello,

    I just upgraded on my Debian wheezy server from RC2.3 to 1.1.4 without any difficulties. I just had to delete the /var/cache/imscp folder and rerun the installer script.
    Now I got a mail:

    I have 4 IPs, but only the main IP, where the interface is running is accessible. All the other IPs can't even be pinged.

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Thanks, T0mcat

    Edit: I tried to reinstall imscp



    Now it clearly shows me

  • I'm not sure to understand ?

    Those IP exist on that server or not ?

    If they're not, this is the problem, IP has to exist on the server where the panel is installed (which, for me, is logic).

  • They do exist and are listed in the /etc/network/interfaces. The 4 IPs were working before the upgrade, now, after the upgrade, I'm getting this messages. Unfortunately all sites are pointing to the other three IPs. Only the panel itself is available.

  • Teamviewer?

    Back in 15 minutes


  • Ok, send me a pm when you are free of time ;)


  • Thanks @Nuxwin for resolving the problem. You saved my day :)

    Here is the solution: The device name for the IPs was missing in the database.

    • login to pma:
    • select i-mscp database
    • select server_ips
    • select ip_card
    • enter "eth0" for each IP (can be different according your network device name)
    • run service imscp_network restart
    • run imscp-setup script