Switch from FCGID to FPM?

  • Hi there,

    is it possible to switch a running I-MSCP system (Version 1.1.3) from FCGID to FPM?

  • Hello,

    Yes by using this:


    /var/www/imscp/engine/setup/imscp-autoinstall --reconfigure httpd

    For more flags:


    /var/www/imscp/engine/setup/imscp-autoinstall --reconfigure help

  • By using "... --reconfigure httpd" I can only switch between php.ini per user/domain/... but not between FCGID/FTPM/...

    Any idea? Or is this not possible?

  • hello ;

    The imscp-setup script doesn't allow to switch to other server implementation, it allow reconfiguration only.
    the imscp-autoinstall script allow to switch to other server implementation and it allow also reconfiguration.


  • Thanks, the solution was calling the installer again with command "./imscp-autoinstall --reconfigure httpd"