OpenDKIM Installation

  • --iMSCP 1.1.2-

    ich habe das DKIM-Plugin installiert. Das lief alles ohne Probleme durch.
    Doch beim aktivieren gibt es Probleme. Es steht nur auf "Installation in Bearbeitung".
    Ich kann das Plugin weder deaktivieren, noch löschen. Es wurde auch kein Logfile (Plugin_mngr_..) erzeugt.
    Was kann ich tun?

    I have installed the DKIM plugin. That all went through without problems.
    However, when activated, there are problems. It is only on "Installation in progress".
    I can not disable the plugin, or delete. It also no log file (Plugin_mngr_..) Was generated.
    What can I do?

  • Please activate the debug in /etc/imscp/imscp.conf

    1. DEBUG = 1

    After this run the rquestmanager

    1. perl /var/www/imscp/engine/imscp-rqst-mngr

    After this you will wil infos in the Log

    1. /var/log/imscp/Plugin_mngr_OpenDKIM.log
  • Thank you.
    I have the following error when i start the request mngr:

  • Disable Monitorix

    1. iMSCP::Debug::__ANON__: Can't locate iMSCP/ in @INC (@INC contains:

    This is an old plugin. Before you upgrade your panel read about the plugins you are using

  • I have also a questions not related to this problem:
    If we reconfigure or updated the Panel is it better to disable all Plugins before we doing the update/reconfigure?

    Thanks in advance.

  • As i know, @Nuxwin will something change in the engine, that plugins, which making troubles while updating the panel, will be disabled automatically

    Ok thx for the Info. Also for the moment better to deactivate all plugins via Panel befor updating and after updating enable again?

    Thank you.