
  • Hi,

    I can't seem to use the current spam_assassin plugin with the 1.2 GIT version of imscp:

    The SpamAssassin plugin version 0.0.12 is not compatible with your i-MSCP version.

    Is there a way around that?


  • Wait for the 1.2.3 release or downgrade to the 1.2.2..

  • It should work. Just a few columns and a table were added. Just test it out, if it's not possible, upgrade to the 1.2.x again. Data will stay untouched..

  • Hi!

    I installed IMSCP 1.2.3 yesterday on my Testing-System including the Spamassassin Plugin 1.0.0 (compatible with i-MSCP >= 1.2.3). When restarting in manually,. i get the following errors in syslog

    1. spamd[12860]: auto-whitelist: sql-based unable to connect to database (DBI:mysql:imscp_spamassassin:localhost:3306) : Access denied for user 'sa_user'@'localhost' to database 'imscp_spamassassin'

    Looking into Mysql reveals that the variable $spamassassinDbName seems not to be expanded at all:

    1. MariaDB [mysql]> show GRANTS FOR 'sa_user'@'localhost';+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+| Grants for sa_user@localhost |+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+| GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'sa_user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD '......' || GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON `$spamassassinDbName`.* TO 'sa_user'@'localhost' |+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

    However running:

    1. MariaDB [mysql]> GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON `imscp_spamassassin`.* TO 'sa_user'@'localhost';

    seems to fix the Problem. Have i done something wrong so that this was happening? Maybe it's because of MariaDB (i don't think so)?!

    If its the wrong thread to write this i'm sorry. Please move it to the right location ;)


  • This is a bug ;) You can fix it by editing the /var/www/imscp/gui/plugins/SpamAssassin/backend/ file and replacing the line 1263 by

    1. "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON `$spamassassinDbName`.* TO ?@? IDENTIFIED BY ?",

    Once done, uninstall and reinstall the plugin through the plugin interface.

    Thank you for your report.
