
  • HI mrpink,

    connecting the database works without any problems:

    1. +------------------------------+| Tables_in_imscp_spamassassin |+------------------------------+| awl || bayes_expire || bayes_global_vars || bayes_seen || bayes_token || bayes_vars || userpref |+------------------------------+7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

    And the output seems to be ok, too:

    1. DATABASE_HOST = localhost
    2. DATABASE_USER_HOST = localhost

    Everything else, even spamfiltering is working on the Server. Just the manually adding of adress rules crashes...


    --- das glas ist halb voll ---

  • Teamviewer?
    Then please send me a PM with your Teamviewer ID and Password.

  • Hi all,
    Not shure if it go ther or if I must open another thread but the bug I'm going to talk produces the same error.

    Bug: can't add more than one address in SA whitelis/blacklist. If you try you get a database connection error from roundcube plugin (at least in my install).

    Steps to reproduce :

    Install IMSCP, install SA & Roundcube Plugins, create a domain in imscp, create new email address.
    Connect to roundcube and add a new e-mail address to the whitelist, then save changes.
    Now add another one and click save ...

    The problem is in user-prefs table structure. There is a unique index based on username and pref name (where IMHO it should be username + pref name + pref value) and when you add more than one whitelist/blacklis address you have a constraint violation.

    I've just modified the user-prefs table structure and now, I can add more than one adress but maybe I'm in the wrong way ?

    Apologize for bad english.


  • @pdias

    Thank for your report. This issue will be fixed in next version ;)

    CC @TheCry@mrpink


  • Yes, i confirm this error, also for me the same results


  • Ok. I did update the plugin from an older version to version 0.0.8.
    Saving works without any problem.
    After this i'd uninstalled the plugin and drop the database "imscp_spamassasin".
    Now i did installed the version 0.0.8 again.
    Saving works without any problem.

    I can't reproduce your problem.
    All tests are on Debian 7.5 with the current stable i-MSCP.

    Take a look in the config.php of the roundcube plugins "sauserprefs" and "markasjunk2" wheter the sql-username and password are matching with the mysql credentials which are working like you said.

  • HI TheCry,

    did you tried a second entry? The first one per list works without any problems, but the second one crashes. I guess pdias discribes the Problem very good:


    The problem is in user-prefs table structure. There is a unique index based on username and pref name (where IMHO it should be username + pref name + pref value) and when you add more than one whitelist/blacklis address you have a constraint Violation.

    And in my opinion Nuxwin works on the bug, isn't it?

    Thanks a lot,

    --- das glas ist halb voll ---