Monitorix do not show me a statistics

  • When i choose what statistics to show, And shows me the following inscription

    No graphics for your selection available!

    1. Monitorix
    2. Plugin providing lightweight system monitoring tool for Linux/UNIX servers
    3. Version 0.0.4 | By Sascha Bay | Visit plugin siteActivated

    OpEn YouR mINd , OpeN YouR SourcE cOdE

  • Please check this

    1. ls /var/www/imscp/gui/plugins/Monitorix/tmp_graph/

    Then show me the last 10 lines of

    1. cat /etc/cron.d/imscp

    There should be

    1. # imscp [PLUGINS:Monitorix] entry BEGIN
    2. */5 * * * * root umask 027; perl /var/www/imscp/gui/plugins/Monitorix/cronjob/ >/dev/null 2>&1
    3. # imscp [PLUGINS:Monitorix] entry ENDING
  • tmp_graph-->The folder is empty

    1. # imscp [PLUGINS:Monitorix] entry BEGIN
    2. */5 * * * * root umask 027; perl /var/www/imscp/gui/plugins/Monitorix/cronjob/ >/dev/null 2>&1
    3. # imscp [PLUGINS:Monitorix] entry ENDING
    4. # imscp [{ENTRY_ID}] entry BEGIN
    5. # imscp [{ENTRY_ID}] entry ENDING

    OpEn YouR mINd , OpeN YouR SourcE cOdE

  • Hello;

    Did you tried to run the cron job manually at least? If yes, what is the output ?

    1. perl /var/www/imscp/gui/plugins/Monitorix/cronjob/


  • Hello;

    Did you tried to run the cron job manually at least? If yes, what is the output ?

    1. perl /var/www/imscp/gui/plugins/Monitorix/cronjob/

    Yes , I do that , but no result

    At least... Please tell me which os you are using Debian Squeeze, Wheezy, Jessie.. Or Unbuntu? Which Unbuntu if you are using this OS

    Ubuntu Precise 12.04 LTS that is my OS version

    OpEn YouR mINd , OpeN YouR SourcE cOdE

  • Teamviewer?


  • the problem was because the /etc/monitorix.conf was reseted to its default values.
    The problem was fixed by uninstalling and reinstalling the plugin.
    Thank you to Nuxwin and the rest of the team to helping me.

    OpEn YouR mINd , OpeN YouR SourcE cOdE