Improved Backup System

  • Our EGO ? Well please, start by making some pull requests and we talk after. You come here with only 3 posts and start to talk in that way... It's incredible...

    If you are not happy with that project and/or with our way to manage it, you can see for other similar projects. We do not need your help, don't worry. We have a ton of requests from people which want integrate our development team (almost only to be able to say: I'm developer at i-MSCP...). Do you really think we are waiting for guys like you? To resume: instead of your la la la, just show us your power. Once it's done, you can start to talk with us. ;)

    Thank you.

    Like I said, your ego in personal not your team or your project.

    It's incredible?
    I think it is incredible how you handle with such topics and requests.

    Why I should do something for a leader who is ungrateful to his community?

    I come here for helping others but when I see this:

    Afterupdate to 1.1.0 stable, PHPMyAdmin and some pages in Backend broken

    SpamAssassin Plugin Problem after upgrade

    Lokaler Server (hosts)

    I hope you can deal with criticism.

  • Re ;

    Surely because we get tired to see such noobs which don't even think little before posting... ;) Anyway again, if you are not happy, just go out. You do not come here to help, you come here only with some useless bla bla bla... Do my job (yeah it's my EGO that talk now), then talk after ;)

    BTW: Pay attention to your ass. Maybe my EGO will push on the ban button if you continue in such way. :exclamation:


  • I hope you can deal with criticism.

    Seems like you can't.

    Re ;

    Surely because we get tired to see such noobs which don't even think little before posting... ;) Anyway again, if you are not happy, just go out. You do not come here to help, you come here only with some useless bla bla bla... Do my job (yeah it's my EGO that talk now), then talk after ;)

    didn't expect something else. - im out. :rolleyes:

  • Happy to see you out. I can deal with criticism as long it's constructive. ;)


  • @Die_Quelle
    At first.. If you read some threads here you will find out that in the last time a lot of linux beginners started to use their own dedicated server without any experience of linux. If they have trouble they cry (like my nick :) ) in this forum for help. We are not a forum for linux support and that is the reason for such answers like Nuxwin had written. I can understand him! If you see he can't deal with criticism you are absolutely wrong.
    Now i want to ask you something about your posts


    SpamAssassin Plugin Problem after upgrade

    You are using a plugin which isn't released?
    If someone is using such plugins, he should be able to solved the issue and give us some feedback, otherwise this admin should only use released plugin and not crying if his server crashed!
    I hope you can deal with criticism too, then it seems you are not able to fix it, because i did not read any feedback of you about this plugin! ;)

  • Quote

    The backup feature will be renewed in the next version (1.2). But the idea with an ftp upload is new. Maybe you can extend the ticket with an entry?

    Can you tell us a little more about whats coming with backups in 1.2?

    That sounds great, I'd really be interested to see the customer be able to setup an auto upload of their backups to an offsite / cloud location, like you can do in virtualmin, I think that would be a great features thanks for the constructive feedback @Ninos, I really appretiate it when the project leaders consider my feature requests after asking for them it really makes me feel like I'm part of the community.

