Roundcube error on imscp 1.1.0

  • Hi All,

    I'm install new stable version of imscp on Ubuntu VPS, the DNS are manage by imscp.
    When I'm trying to send mail in roundcube there is an error


    smtp error connection to server failed

    and here is the mail log information

    Is there a guide for this problem?

  • Damn... its very silly, I just only need to restart my VPS X/

  • Thats perfect! The FQDN of your roundcube smtp config is not working correct, because the issue are your DNS settings and you restart the server. God...

    1. smtp.admin.yourdomain.tld

    That is FQDN which will be opened by roundcube
    If you did not set the DNS entry of your domain like this:

    1. yourdomain.tld IN A ipadress
    2. admin IN A ipaddress
    3. *.admin IN A ipaddress

    your roundcube will work correctly