It's done, when it's done.
PS: I love this sentence :3
It's done, when it's done.
PS: I love this sentence :3
sbeex: You must be patient.
Anyways, if you are still under version 1.1.3, I'll suggest you to upgrade your version, because here is the actual requirement:null
i-MSCP versions >= 1.1.14 (plugin API >= 0.2.11)
I think the "1.1.14" in this requirement is the next release that should come "soon" (when it will be done^^), well, @Nuxwin will confirm it or not :p
@Ninos no comment
@Athar I installed it last week and it is the last stable release version. I will not use a unstable version for my customers.
Okay no problem would it go faster if I pay ?
(I need a new panel to host my websites quickly (I use ispcp omega at the moment but I have problems with it ... I did some manual changes and now I encounter problems when adding new domains (so no new customers to help to pay my dedicated server)
Or maybe could I manually edit a template file to make it temporally working with a custom dns typ : ? I can't wait 2 months like that. Hope you have a temporary solution ...
Thank's in advance
sbeex: What I'll say here, it's just what I do, probably not the best way especially (nuxwin, don't hit/beat me xD) when you don't know how to manage all the services hold by i-MSCP.
I modified a lot of configs files:
- BIND Config options
- BIND Zone files
- Postfix Configs files ( and
- ProFTPd Config file
- One Pydio file to use the full TLS support on my specific conf of ProFTPd
- Own template (base on default)
At each update, I've two way to proceed:
- Modify the new installer with my own modification (this is the way I do now) => Advantage here is I just have to run the installer, and all run fine (excepted for the Template (theme) and the Pydio modification)
- Modify the templates in /etc/imscp and then re-run the clients config (but after a long time using this, not reliable and much longer to do)
I'm waiting this plugin to avoid me to do such modification each time, but in the meantime, there is always another way to do, it only depend if you can "think" on how to achieve your purpose.
You can also write a plugin (or some). ATM it's the best way to modify i-mscp.
I will have a look on others products maybe a bit more mature before switching to i-mscp
The problem is not i-MSCP here. i-MSCP is mature enough to allow you to do what you want as long you know what you are doing. @Athar is modifying the installer. Well, even if I was chocked at first reading, it's fine for me as long as he know what he is doing.
The official way (as stated by @Ninos which learned the API alone (so it's possible)), is to write a hook file (merely called listener file in last stable branch), which will register some event listeners ( functions ) on the event manager. Those listeners can override the default configuration. For instance, you can register an event listener which will listen to the onLoadTemplate event, and which will be responsible to override the default configuration file for your DNS zone. With this way to do, you are sure that your changes will not be lost, even on update because the event listeners are always loaded.
Whatever, if you are not happy with our answers (I can see that you dislike my previous answer even if this is simply the pure reality), you can go out and look for more mature project (as you say). I'm not surprised with your react here.