Fragen zu imscp git master

  • Hallo zusammen,
    da ich gerade wieder imscp auf Gentoo portiere, habe ich drei Fragen, die Neuerungen der letzten Monate betreffen:

    a) Wofür wird der Ordner 00_private in jedem Webroot benutzt bzw. wofür ist er genau gedacht?
    b) Gibt es irgendwo eine Dokumentation der ganzen Aufrufparameter des Install-Scripts? Für die komplette Installation habe ich immer -d benutzt, aber was muss ich angeben, wenn ich beispielsweise nur die Configs von named oder apache aus den Templates neu generieren möchte?
    c) Wer greift auf die Daten zu, die Vlogger generiert? Bzw was ist generell der Hintergrund/Vorteil vlogger zu verwenden?

  • Hello ;

    For the available options on the installer and setup script, Torsten already answered so... Anyway, see also

    About the 00_private directory, see


    Currently, the installer do not provide any option allowing to only regenerate specific service configuration files. It allow to reconfigure a specific service (through dialog) but will always regenerate all services conffiles.

    About your vlogger question, I don't understand what you mean.

    Thank you for using i-MSCP


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • Thanks! Especially the second link is pretty interesting to me.
    Ok, finally there's just one question left: what exactly is vlogger used for? :-)

  • Thanks! Especially the second link is pretty interesting to me.
    Ok, finally there's just one question left: what exactly is vlogger used for? :-)

    Re ;

    vlogger is a script for Apache. It come in replacement of the imscp-apache-logger script. This is a specific version modified for i-MSCP. It is responsible to log requests for all sites and store httpd usage traffic (per site) into the i-MSCP database. This script comes with i-MSCP so you don't have to worry about how install it.


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • Ok, I completed the port to Gentoo last weekend. Everything is running fine but I don't know why vlogger doesn't write traffic to the database. The vlogger-db-user is allowed to do so...

  • Ok, I completed the port to Gentoo last weekend. Everything is running fine but I don't know why vlogger doesn't write traffic to the database. The vlogger-db-user is allowed to do so...

    Hello ;

    This is because I've introduced a big bug in the vlogger script (shame on me). This will be solved by my next commit. This explain why I've changed the Git Master status to 'partial working'.

    Thank you for your portage (share it please). ;)


  • Thank you for your portage (share it please). ;)

    Yes, I will do so. But I have to pronounce this is basically a proof-of-concept but not a full featured install-process. So I'd say it's intended to experienced Gentoo-users and developers.