
  • Is it possible to implement hhvm-fastcgi into the imscp software as alternative for php-itk, php-fpm and fcgi? :angel:

    I think this shouldn't be very complicated. Here's a litte howto:

    PS: I think this could also be a good marketing ploy :)

    Edited once, last by mafioso ().

  • Is it possible to implement hhvm-fastcgi into the imscp software as alternative for php-itk, php-fpm and fcgi? :angel:

    I think this shouldn't be very complicated. Here's a litte howto:

    PS: I think this could also be a good marketing ploy :)

    Oh my god... I want it and I'll so do it... Let me play a week with it. I'm busy but such thing is so great that we must have it ASAP.


  • Oh my god... I want it and I'll so do it... Let me play a week with it. I'm busy but such thing is so great that we must have it ASAP.

    I'm confused. At first I thought it's irony, but I think you also waited for a news such like this? :D

  • I'm confused. At first I thought it's irony, but I think you also waited for a news such like this? :D

    Inory ? No, I'm serious. ;)


  • For the record:


  • Re

    I'm wondering if we should really integrate it because, if you read this document, you'll be scared... I think that this project is not mature enough to be used in shared hosting environment...



  • The stat is a little bit old. Atm there are some projects without running problems under the hhvm (also wordpress). Also the admins than can decide which software they want to use.
    Here's maybe a newer stat :)


    The main problem is: The i-MSCP project purpose is to provide a set of tools which allow to manage a shared hosting environment. Therefore, adding a virtual machine which is not able to run all PHP applications without performing unit tests before, this to ensure that these applications will run without any hurt is something that do not really fit to our roadmap. Of course, I'll add support for it but no support will be provided through our forum for it (i.e: any question such as "I don't understand why my application written by me doesn't works and so on..." will be discarded).


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • Re

    The main problem is: The i-MSCP project purpose is to provide a set of tools which allow to manage a shared hosting environment. Therefore, adding a virtual machine which is not able to run all PHP applications without performing unit tests before, this to ensure that these applications will run without any hurt is something that do not really fit to our roadmap. Of course, I'll add support for it but no support will be provided through our forum for it (i.e: any question such as "I don't understand why my application written by me doesn't works and so on..." will be discarded).

    Yes this is a good idea! I think the hhvm will be ready for shared hosting systems soonest in two years. I also think, that the hhvm is atm just for own projects you want to give them a better performance :-)


    Edited once, last by mafioso ().