Feedback to Plugins: OpenDKIM, ClamAV, SpamAssassin and RoundcubePlugins

  • First of all: Big thanks to:
    * Sascha Bay
    * Rene Schuster
    for this great plugins!

    I installed them of my server and played arround with them.

    Some Feedback:

    * ClamAV
    Works great! No problems while installing, no problems to configure and no problems to update :D all is working fine!

    * OpenDKIM
    Installation went smoothly and configuration was imho not needed.
    Some whishes to improve this great plugin:
    * possibility to active DKIM on all Domains at once (if possible and easy to implement)
    * Subdomains don't have a DKIM signature. Maybe it is possible to integrate this into the plugin?

    * SpamAssassin
    Is also easy to integrate into I-MSCP. On first run of the installation, it didn't finish. On second try, it worked smoothly and without problems but update of plugin is a little bit buggy :dodgy: But it is on the right way!
    Integration of Roundcube-Plugins is solved in a clean and "beautiful" way;)

    Maybe the possibility to change the global userprefs in the database over the I-MSCP backend would be nice. But only a nice to have in my opinion.

    For example: I extended "rewrite_header Subject" with the following: "*** SPAM *** [_HITS_/_REQD_]"
    So I can see the Score in Spam-Mails without open the source.

    * RoundcubePlugins
    In my opinion, there were to much plugins activated after installation. But it works great and without problems!

    Over all Plugins:
    Documentation is really great and the configuration options well commented.


    TheCry, flames, mrpink and one other like this.

  • I just tested with a subdomain and you are right. I never used a subdomain while testing. :s
    I will discuss both topics with Sascha.

    1. Do you know what went wrong on your first installation? On my Debian Wheezy testsystem whith i-MSCP master the installation is working without any problems.
    2. What do you mean with update? There is only one initial version of the plugin in the incubator. So the plugin engine won't do any update of the SpamAssassin plugin. Updates are triggered only when the plugin version changes. And as long as the plugin is not officially released we don't care about updates.

    * RoundcubePlugins
    In my opinion, there were to much plugins activated after installation. But it works great and without problems!

    Then deactivate them in the config file. ;)

    Over all Plugins:
    Documentation is really great and the configuration options well commented.

    Thank you for your tests and feedback. :)

    Edited once, last by mrpink ().

    flames and fluser like this.
  • I just tested with a subdomain and you are right. I never used a subdomain while testing. :s
    I will discuss both topics with Sascha.

    No problem:)

    1. Do you know what went wrong on your first installation? On my Debian Wheezy testsystem whith i-MSCP master the installation is working without any problems.
    2. What do you mean with update? There is only one initial version of the plugin in the incubator. So the plugin engine won't do any update of the SpamAssassin plugin. Updates are triggered only when the plugin version changes. And as long as the plugin is not officially released we don't care about updates.

    1. I think DCC had to long and hung up. I only had to deactivate the plugin and click again on install.
    2. I changed configuration and rescanned the plugins. So it was a configuration-update, not a plugin update ;)

    Maybe something was wrong with my installation:)

    Then deactivate them in the config file. ;)

    I did it;) This was only a feedback, that maybe the admin should decide, which addon should be activ and which not. And in my opinion, all addons should defaultly be deactivated (but that's my opinion and there is not only "one way to do something") ;)
    Thank you for your tests and feedback. :)

    No problem. I'm really interested in this plugins and I hope I can help with my testings.

    I will do a fresh I-MSCP installation and test again with this plugins. At the moment I can't report the errors correctly because I destroyed my test machine for reinstalling :D

    For better reporting: Which logs do you need for the plugins, if there would be any error again?

    mrpink likes this.

  • 1. I think DCC had to long and hung up. I only had to deactivate the plugin and click again on install.

    Did you install DCC manually?
    - If no, the DCC plugin won't be used even if activated in the config file and it should not affect the installation.
    - If yes, then I have to test again if that could affect the installation if not configured in the right way.

    For better reporting: Which logs do you need for the plugins, if there would be any error again?

    Here you will find the log files for the different plugins: /var/log/imscp/Plugin_mngr_<PLUGINNAME>.log

    flames and Nuxwin like this.
  • Hey devs, little question. Is there planned a stable release of the fourth plugins (or some of them) in near future (days/weeks).

  • Yes, we have to do a final testing on all os versions and then the plugins will be released.

    BeNe, xister and flames like this.
  • ok thanks, so I will wait with the update to the current stable version :)

  • Someone use the "logon_page" plugin for Roundcube ?
    After an Update from the i-MSCP Interface the content is cleared.

    I mean this file here:

    1. /var/www/imscp/gui/public/tools/webmail/plugins/logon_page/logon_page.html

    So the announcement on the webmailer login page is gone.

    Can anybod confirm this ?

    The other Plugin (ClamAV, Spamassasin, RoundCubePlugins) works fine so far.

  • Ok... I'd tested it now.
    Did you changed the "logon_page.html" in the plugin folder directly?
    I've tested it and it works fine. The login_page.html is the same before i update the panel.

    Where did you changed the "logon_page.html" exactly?
    In the webmail directory or in the RoundcubePlugins/config-templates/logon_page directory?

    The /var/www/imscp/gui/public/tools/webmail directory is purged on every update. You must so edit the file in the /var/www/imscp/gui/plugins/RoundcubePlugins/config-templates directory.

    mrpink and Nuxwin like this.