Plugin API - Version 0.2.0

  • Dear community ;

    Today, the plugin API has been updated in Git Master. Because we do not provide any update path for older plugin versions (we are still in RC state), you should pay attention before updating your i-MSCP system.

    In order, to update your i-MSCP system, you MUST follow these steps:

    • Disable all plugins through the plugin interface
    • Update your i-MSCP system as usually

    Once you did that, you MUST in order (for each plugin):

    • Replace the plugin files currently installed on your system with those available in our plugin repository (on Github)
    • Update the plugin list
    • Re-activate the plugin

    IMPORTANT : You should note that all plugins were not updated yet. If you have installed a plugin from the incubator directory (which is absolutely not recommended :dodgy:), you must probably let it disabled as long we do not release it officially.

    i-MSCP Team


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().