[solved] blank page after mass mailer fix

  • because of the mass mailer problem in rc 4.6 I have replaced the old files with those from master, now I get a blank page after submit the following forms:
    - lost password
    - support system answer

    are there any other files which need replaced also?

    1. gui/library/shared-functions.php
    2. gui/public/admin/circular.php
    3. gui/public/reseller/circular.php
    4. gui/themes/default/admin/circular.tpl
    5. gui/themes/default/admin/navigation.xml
    6. gui/themes/default/reseller/circular.tpl
    7. gui/library/admin-functions.php
    8. gui/library/iMSCP/Events.php
    9. gui/library/iMSCP/View/Helpers/Functions/Common.php
    10. gui/public/admin/manage_users.php

    Edited once, last by fulltilt ().

  • because of the mass mailer problem in rc 4.6 I have replaced the old files with those from master, now I get a blank page after submit the following forms:
    - lost password
    - support system answer

    are there any other files which need replaced also?

    1. gui/library/shared-functions.php
    2. gui/public/admin/circular.php
    3. gui/public/reseller/circular.php
    4. gui/themes/default/admin/circular.tpl
    5. gui/themes/default/admin/navigation.xml
    6. gui/themes/default/reseller/circular.tpl
    7. gui/library/admin-functions.php
    8. gui/library/iMSCP/Events.php
    9. gui/library/iMSCP/View/Helpers/Functions/Common.php
    10. gui/public/admin/manage_users.php

    Update to last master instead of doing such manual changes.
