how to disable quota in roundcube

  • how can I disable quota in roundcube?
    I have migrated from ispcp with 1500 email accounts and can not set all quota limits in the panel by hand ...

    You cannot. Well, try this:

    1. # rm /var/mail/virtual/*/*/maildirsize

    This will remove the maildirsize files in all your mailboxes, which contain quota information read by courier (imap).

    Of course, I expect that you have done the changes in your as mentionned in previous post (…lboxes?pid=17834#pid17834 )


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • yep, changes in working well ... (you have saved my sunday) :D
    the problem is within the CP i can not set via GUI to "0" or -1
    but what about something like this?

    UPDATE mail_users SET quota = "0";
    UPDATE domains SET domain_mailacc_limit = "0";

    could this work with roundcube?

    or is there a roundcube quota plugin which can be disabled?

    Edited once, last by fulltilt ().

  • I've already explained you that as long you have a disk space limit set for your customer, you cannot set the e-mail quota to 0 (unlimited) because the e-mail quota is part of the disk limit. You can of course bypass this with a query like this:

    1. UPDATE mail_users SET quota = '0', status = 'tochange' WHERE quota IS NOT NULL

    Then, after, you must run the request dispatcher as follow:

    1. # perl /var/www/imscp/engine/imscp-rqst-mngr


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • Edit:


    1. UPDATE domain SET mail_quota = '0'

    To resume:

    1. # rm /var/mail/virtual/*/*/maildirsize

    1. UPDATE domain SET mail_quota = '0'UPDATE mail_users SET quota = '0', status = 'tochange' WHERE quota IS NOT NULL

    1. # perl /var/www/imscp/engine/imscp-rqst-mngr


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • hmm, you mean if a User have a 100MB account, I have to set this to unlimited?

    It would be nice to choose use of email quota yes/no
    otherwise if you have > 10000 or more email accounts you need to change all the email quota by hand and this could take weeks :s

    Edited once, last by fulltilt ().

  • hmm, you mean if a User have a 100MB account, I have to set this to unlimited?

    It would be nice to choose use of email quota yes/no
    otherwise if you have > 10000 or more email accounts you need to change all the email quota by hand and this could take weeks :s

    I'll add an option allowing to disable email quota.


  • you mean in git master?

    No No... In my ASS :rolleyes: This would work much better in such a black hole... :D


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().