Redistribute unused quota across existing mailboxes

  • ich habe hierzu noch eine Frage ...
    als Standard sind 10MB im Email Quota voreingestellt, wenn jetzt in den Systemsettings folgendes auf JA eingestellt wird:

    Redistribute unused quota across existing mailboxes

    werden diese 10MB dann ignoriert bei allen Emailkonten?
    Ich möchte das die Emailkonten mit dem Webspace Quota zusammen gelegt sind ...
    bzw. was geschieht bei einer Migration mit Emailkonten die 200MB und mehr verwenden ... es werden ja dann keine Emails gelöscht oder?

    Edited once, last by fulltilt ().

  • This option is only relevant when the reseller increases the mail quota limit of its customers (domain edit interface).


  • I need some Help here ...
    after migration the incoming Mails not been delivered to the mailboxes anymore:

    temporary failure. Command output: maildrop: maildir over quota.

    How can I disable all Mailbox Quota?

    Edited once, last by fulltilt ().

  • I need some Help here ...
    after migration the incoming Mails not been delivered to the mailboxes anymore:

    temporary failure. Command output: maildrop: maildir over quota.

    How can I disable all Mailbox Quota?

    1. As reseller, edit the domain and set the quota limit to 0.
    2. Switch to customer interface and set quota to 0 for each mailbox


  • Brauche dringend Hilfe hier, ca 1500 Kunden Email Konten funktionieren nicht mehr
    thanks, but I can not set the quota:
    Email quota cannot be unlimited. Max value is 15000 MiB.

    Is it possible to disable quota in postfix?

    Edited once, last by fulltilt ().

  • Brauche dringend Hilfe hier, ca 1500 Kunden Email Konten funktionieren nicht mehr
    thanks, but I can not set the quota:
    Email quota cannot be unlimited. Max value is 15000 MiB.

    Because the email quota cannot be bigger than the max disk limit.

    To resume:

    1. Enable the "Redistribute unused quota across existing mailboxes" option
    2. Edit the domain and set the mail quota limit to 15000 MiB.

    If you have a limit on the disk space (which include the email quota limit), you cannot set the email quota to unlimited.


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • is it not possible to disable the quota check in postfix?
    I have thousands of mails in the mail queue right now ...

    Well, in the, change :

    1. virtual_transport = maildrop


    1. virtual_transport = virtual

    You can also comment these lines:

    1. maildrop_destination_concurrency_limit = 2maildrop_destination_recipient_limit = 1

    Then restart postfix and flush the queue

    1. # service postfix restart && postfix flush


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • thanks Nuxwin thats working :D
    I already used roundcube before migration in ispcp ... same version 9.5
    For roundcube data migration I have deleted the tables inside ispcp_roundcube und imported the data from roundcubeemail, but it seems not working

  • It's another topic so please, open a new thread. Search on our forum too.
