Can not determine servers ips

  • Hi,
    when i start the Migration Script, i have following fails:

    User 6_data access denied: Access denied for user "6_data"@"localhost" (using password: YES){
    "sqld_name" => "6_data",
    "sqld_id" => "5",
    "sqlu_id" => "5",
    "domain_id" => "6",
    "sqlu_pass" => "mYm3XIvyvhabfHalIwI7aMclMAK4",
    "sqlu_name" => "6_data"

    To obtain help please use

    ' 21 78
    [DEBUG] [Mon Nov 21 15:34:42 2011] iMSCP::Execute::_getExitCode: External command exited with value 0
    [DEBUG] [Mon Nov 21 15:34:42 2011] iMSCP::STDCapture::DESTROY: Finishing capture of *main::STDERR
    [DEBUG] [Mon Nov 21 15:34:42 2011] iMSCP::Dialog::Dialog::startGauge: /usr/bin/dialog --yes-label 'CONTINUE' --clear --backtitle 'iMSCP internet Multi Server Control Panel' --title 'Upgrade to iMSCP' --colors --no-label 'EXIT' --gauge '

    Performing step 5 from total of 12

    System users are in place?: ' 21 78 41
    [DEBUG] [Mon Nov 21 15:34:42 2011] iMSCP::Dialog::Dialog::startGauge: Returned value 0
    [DEBUG] [Mon Nov 21 15:34:42 2011] iMSCP::Dialog::Dialog::setGauge: XXX

    Performing step 5 from total of 12

    System users are in place?:

    [DEBUG] [Mon Nov 21 15:34:42 2011] iMSCP::Database::mysql::mysql::doQuery: SELECT * FROM `domain` with
    [DEBUG] [Mon Nov 21 15:34:42 2011] iMSCP::Debug::__ANON__: Developer dump:
    [FATAL ERROR] [Mon Nov 21 15:34:42 2011] iMSCP::Debug::__ANON__: Can't call method "prepare" on an undefined value at /var/www/imscp/engine/setup/../PerlLib/iMSCP/Database/mysql/ line 94.

    [DEBUG] [Mon Nov 21 15:34:42 2011] iMSCP::Config::FETCH: Fetching LOG_DIR...
    [ERROR] [Mon Nov 21 15:34:42 2011] iMSCP::Debug::END: Exit code is 1!

    The Database user error was at all users

  • It seems that sql users passwords can not be decrypted. To fix in ispcp change user password via panel using same password to force a correct encryption. Then migrate again

  • Unfortunately ispCP is no longer available because the Apache config has been overwritten. What there is the possibility we can finally complete the migration?

  • Did you finished install i-MSCP before performing migration?!! hmm, That is bad but can be solved. Next time follow steps from wiki :p.
    Now what you have to do:
    1. Delete from /etc/* all files that contain ispcp (in init.d, cron.d, logrotate.d). DO NOT DELETE ISPCP FOLDER.
    2. Open /etc/imscp/imscp.conf and set database as in /etc/ispcp/ispcp.conf
    3. Open /etc/imscp/imscp.old.conf and set database as in /etc/ispcp/ispcp.conf
    4. in mysql set in table config DATABASE_REVISION to 53.
    5. Run setup again. If database update fail at one point just set DATABASE_REVISION to number that failed and run setup again utill you finish
    If you would have a backup would simplier to restore backup and follow exectly steps on

  • Okay. It has now worked out almost completely. The following error occurs now during the installation

    Performing step 24 from total of 28
    Rebuilding all customers configuration files:

    [ERROR] x
    x x
    x Error while performing step: x
    x x
    x Rebuilding all customers configuration files: x
    x x
    x Error was: x
    x x
    x main::rebuild_customers_cfg: [ ^[[0;31mERROR^[[0m ] main::engine: x
    x Error while executing query: Unknown column "path" in "field list" x
    x [ ^[[0;31mERROR^[[0m ] iMSCP::Debug::END: Exit code is 1! x
    x x
    x [ ^[[0;31mERRORS^[[0m ] x
    x x
    x main::engine: Error while executing query: Unknown column "path" in "field

    [ ERRORS ]

    main::rebuild_customers_cfg: [ ERROR ] main::engine: Error while executing query: Unknown column 'path' in 'field list'
    [ ERROR ] iMSCP::Debug::END: Exit code is 1!

    [ ERRORS ]

    main::engine: Error while executing query: Unknown column 'path' in 'field list'
    iMSCP::Debug::END: Exit code is 1!

    [ ERRORS ]

    main::engine: Error while executing query: Unknown column 'path' in 'field list'
    iMSCP::Debug::END: Exit code is 1![hr]
    Sun now operates almost everything. I still have the following problem. The mail will not passwords. what I need to change as yet? Now hold the ispcp mail passwords are used. Are there any other passwords are not they?[hr]
    Sun now operates almost everything. I still have the following problem. The mail will not passwords. what I need to change as yet? Now hold the ispcp mail passwords are used. Are there any other passwords are not they?

    Edited once, last by NoLimithosting ().

  • If you have teamviewer, I can try to help you in live.


  • Okay. Do you habe Skype or ICQ?

    Edited once, last by NoLimithosting ().

  • I've ICQ but I must wait my new password. Wait please.


  • I'm now connected. ICQ ID 616451770
