Can not determine servers ips

  • Hi,
    bei der Migration kommt es leider zu folgendem fehler beim ausführen von: perl imscp-autoinstall

    [ ERRORS ]

    main::setup_base_server_IP: Can not determine servers ips
    iMSCP::Debug::END: Exit code is 1!

    Wie kann man das Problem beheben ?

  • Hello ;

    You mean a migration from ispCP to IMSCP, or just an upgrade to a newer version of iMSCP ? I've assigned this thread to Daniel.


  • Okay, Its work.

    Now i have a new problem

    [ ERRORS ]

    iMSCP::Execute::_getExitCode: External command died with signal 2, without coredump
    iMSCP::Execute::_getExitCode: External command died with signal 2, without coredump
    iMSCP::Execute::_getExitCode: External command died with signal 2, without coredump
    iMSCP::Execute::_getExitCode: External command died with signal 2, without coredump
    iMSCP::Execute::_getExitCode: External command died with signal 2, without coredump
    iMSCP::Execute::_getExitCode: External command died with signal 2, without coredump
    iMSCP::Execute::_getExitCode: External command died with signal 2, without coredump
    iMSCP::Execute::_getExitCode: External command died with signal 2, without coredump
    iMSCP::Execute::_getExitCode: External command died with signal 2, without coredump
    iMSCP::Execute::_getExitCode: External command died with signal 2, without coredump
    iMSCP::Execute::_getExitCode: External command died with signal 2, without coredump
    iMSCP::Execute::_getExitCode: External command died with signal 2, without coredump
    iMSCP::Execute::_getExitCode: External command died with signal 2, without coredump
    iMSCP::Execute::_getExitCode: External command died with signal 2, without coredump
    iMSCP::Execute::_getExitCode: External command died with signal 2, without coredump
    iMSCP::Execute::_getExitCode: External command died with signal 2, without coredump
    iMSCP::Execute::_getExitCode: External command died with signal 2, without coredump
    iMSCP::Execute::_getExitCode: External command died with signal 2, without coredump
    iMSCP::Execute::_getExitCode: External command died with signal 2, without coredump
    iMSCP::Execute::_getExitCode: External command died with signal 2, without coredump
    iMSCP::Execute::_getExitCode: External command died with signal 2, without coredump
    iMSCP::Execute::_getExitCode: External command died with signal 2, without coredump
    iMSCP::Execute::_getExitCode: External command died with signal 2, without coredump
    iMSCP::Execute::_getExitCode: External command died with signal 2, without coredump
    iMSCP::Execute::_getExitCode: External command died with signal 2, without coredump
    iMSCP::Execute::_getExitCode: External command died with signal 2, without coredump
    iMSCP::Execute::_getExitCode: External command died with signal 2, without coredump
    iMSCP::Execute::_getExitCode: External command died with signal 2, without coredump
    Modules::SystemUser::addSystemUser: usermod: Benutzer vmail ist derzeit angemeldet.
    iMSCP::Debug::END: Exit code is 1!

    Yes its a migation from ispCP to IMSCP

  • Please enable debug (/etc/imscp/imscp.conf set DEBUG = 1) and post logs here. Please clear password from logs (password are logged in plain text!!!)

  • Hi,
    the log file:
    [DEBUG] [Sun Nov 20 20:29:46 2011] iMSCP::Debug::verbose: Debug messages off
    [ERROR] [Sun Nov 20 20:30:35 2011] main::askHostname: Can not find hostname (misconfigured?): hostname: Name or service not known
    [ERROR] [Sun Nov 20 20:31:42 2011] Modules::SystemUser::addSystemUser: usermod: Benutzer vmail ist derzeit angemeldet.
    [ERROR] [Sun Nov 20 20:31:47 2011] iMSCP::Debug::END: Exit code is 1!

    I have the Debug Modus activated in /etc/imscp/imscp.conf.

    After perl imscp-autoinstall the Config File was overwrited.

  • Edit /etc/hostname and set there desired hostname example: machinename. Normally machinename is enough but if will fail use full FQDN (machinename.domain.tld).
    Stop courier (all services) and apache.
    Run setup again.
    Vmail error will be fixed tomorrow (some services must be stopped before update runs).
    Hostname problem is a misconfigured machine.

    Edited once, last by oldev01 ().

  • Okay. Its work.

    Now i have a problem when start the migration

    User 6_data access denied: Access denied for user '6_data'@'localhost' (using password: YES){
    'sqld_name' => '6_data',
    'sqld_id' => '5',
    'sqlu_id' => '5',
    'domain_id' => '6',
    'sqlu_pass' => 'mYgotLXXXXXIvyvhabfHalIwI7aMclMAK4',
    'sqlu_name' => '6_data'

    iMSCP::Debug::END: Exit code is 1!


    iMSCP::Debug::__ANON__: Can't call method "prepare" on an undefined value at /var/www/imscp/engine/setup/../PerlLib/iMSCP/Database/mysql/ line 94.

  • Just for the record, have you executed the migration script like show here ???
