Unknown error during subdomain creation if Custom DNS record has already existed

  • There is a domain: example.com
    I have already created a Custom DNS record: whatever.example.com
    After that I tried to create subdomain: whatever.example.com

    After that the status of whatever.example.com subdomain is: Unknown error
    And I can't edit and delete it.

    Admin user / System tool / Debugger says:
    whatever.example.com - Set status to 'tochange'
    Servers::named::bind::addSub: Unable to install zone file example.com.db

    I tried to delete the whatever Custom DNS record but the status of subdomain didn't changed.

    What can I do or how can I force the recreation process?
    The whatever.example.com Custom DNS record has already none existing.
    The status of whatever.example.com is Unknown error

    I tried to recreate the whatever subdomain again and I can do it.
    After that I had two whatever.example.com subdomains:

    1. whatever.example.com /whatever N/A Unknown error N/A N/A N/A
    2. whatever.example.com /whatever - Ok View certificates Edit Delete

    After that I deleted the right whatever subdomain. The whatever subdomain with OK status disappeared but the whatever subdomain with 'Uknown error' is still exists.

    Edited once, last by jonci ().

  • Hello;

    The problem is simple here:

    1. You added whatever.domain.tld A DNS record using the custom DNS feature
    2. You added the whatever.domain.tld subdomain

    Well here, we have a conflict: You must first, remove the custom DNS record.

    In order, to solve your problem, do the following:

    1. Remove the whatever.domain.tld custom DNS record
    2. Set the status of the parent domain and all its subdomains to 'tochange'
    3. Enable the debug mode into the imscp.conf file
    4. Run the request manager (perl /var/www/imscp/engine/imscp-rqst-mngr)

    If after this, all goes fine, I'm happy for you. Otherwise, you should either ask for online support or provide us the relevant logs.


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • Thanks! It works.

    Before the users start using the i-mscp site I try to commit all kind of errors, user can bump into :)

    Meanwhile I found another solution which reseller can do without any SQL updates:

    In reseller level:
    1. switch to user level
    2. delete the Custom DNS record
    3. back to reseller level
    4. suspend the domain
    5. enabling the domain

  • This works also when you use the debugger (from admin interface) ;)
