incorrect command and chown incorrect

  • by mistake I gave the command chown root in /var/www/virtual, in the previous project was a script that reads from the database through this selecet "domain_uid SELECT FROM WHERE xxxxx.domain Domain_ID = '$ Domain_ID'" the correct value and corrected the chown and chomod, now I have had a look at tabase imscp but I can not find the value vuxxxx how can I do?

    ps : attached the script for a possible modification


    • chmod.txt

      (2.19 kB, downloaded 65 times, last: )

  • by mistake I gave the command chown root in /var/www/virtual, in the previous project was a script that reads from the database through this selecet "domain_uid SELECT FROM WHERE xxxxx.domain Domain_ID = '$ Domain_ID'" the correct value and corrected the chown and chomod, now I have had a look at tabase imscp but I can not find the value vuxxxx how can I do?

    ps : attached the script for a possible modification

    Hello ;

    Just rerun installer. Permissions will be fixed automatically


  • so just give only this command perl./imscp-autoinstall , , is that correct?


