Login doesn't remember credentials

  • Hi,

    I startet with using i-MSCP yesterday, had some issues (or still have them) but so far it looks very great.

    However it was annoying that the login to the panel was not stored in the browsers keychain, neither Safari nor Fx.

    However, by mistake I "upgraded" to this morning, breaking everything, it took me a while to get all thing up and running again.
    But: with 1.0.30 the credentials are stored.

    Now I'm back on the road with 1.1.0-rc2, and again it doesn't store my credentials. How can I fix that?

    And, maybe it will be helpful for neebs like me that a RC won't announce a older version as an update in the panel. Would have saved me a lot of time.

    Edited once, last by tracer ().

  • Sorry, it is RC4.2.

    Still the problem persists.

    Hello ;

    We will add a "remember me" feature ASAP. I've disabled the autocomplete feature in latest versions, which explain your problem.

    1. ...
    2. <td class="right"><input type="password" name="upass" id="upass" value="" autocomplete="off"/></td>
    3. ...


  • Hello ;

    We will add a "remember me" feature ASAP. I've disabled the autocomplete feature in latest versions, which explain your problem.

    1. ...
    2. <td class="right"><input type="password" name="upass" id="upass" value="" autocomplete="off"/></td>
    3. ...

    Thx for the reply.
    I adjusted index.tpl for the while, that is much more convenient for me and my customers.

    I wasn't aware of that autocomplete tag.