i-MSCP Plugin for Joomla JoomISP

  • Hi...
    Jonas Brand the project founder of JoomISP (https://www.joomisp.com) is back and he is working hard on the component for Joomla 1.7.

    I have Joomla with JoomISP and there was only a plugin for ispCP... :@:@
    So i talked to Jonas to code a plugin for i-MSCP.
    Today i finished my work with Beta 1...

    Now you want to know what the plugin do...
    If you create a hosting plan with JoomISP you can use this plugin with all variables like in the i-MSCP Panel.
    If a customer buys a hosting plan you can add this directly to the i-MSCP panel (the plugin calls a script on the server and the script will start the request manager) and the customer will receive an email with his account.

    Now i need beta testers which have a JoomISP club license.. :)
    I had test the last 2 days and had no problems

  • Hello,

    First of all thank you for your plugin it works rather well, but I found a small mistake.

    System: Debian squeeze 32
    Panel: i-MSCP
    Joomla: 1.7.2
    JoomIsp: 1.2
    plg imscp: 1.0

    Problem encountered:

    The hen add the plan i-MSCP joomla return this error:

    php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not Known

    Here is that I get in i-MSCP:


    To add a user, I must edit domain and click submit changes, this should not normally be done automatically?

    Thank you to I-MSCP team, Joomisp, TheCry and Google trad.


  • Looks like joomla plugin does not signal imscp_daemon that a request exists. Maybe TheCry have time to talk with plugin developer to provide a patch for this.

  • The Plugin works perfect.. Did you copy the file "run_daemon.php" to the folder "/var/www/imscp/gui/public"?
    And did you edit the "run_daemon.php" and insert an "authkey" which is the same like in the joomla configuration of this plugin?

    Edited once, last by TheCry ().

  • This just seems to not work... or i am missing something?

  • What does not work??... If you do not give me some information i can't change anything.

    I just uploaded the plugin thru the joomla plugin installer... I activated it on plugins tab... but it doesn't apear anywhere...