how to replace courier with dovecot?

  • hi
    i want to use dovecot instead of courier. should i just install and configure dovecot. the current courier mailboxes are of no importance.
    im using 1.1.0-rc3


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  • i know im missing something.
    i "cd" to the unpack imscp directory ("/root/imscp/" folder)
    then issued "perl imscp-autoinstall -debug --reconfigure"
    after pressing enter i get the
    "Usage perl imscp-autoinstall [options]" with all the switches i can use then it falls back to a flashing prompt. instead of a dialog box


    Edited once, last by testlabs ().

  • Use this one (one dash before debug was missing)

    1. perl imscp-autoinstall --debug --reconfigure

    Nuxwin: Please change the wiki page.

    Edited once, last by mrpink ().

  • Use this one (one dash before debug was missing)

    1. perl imscp-autoinstall --debug --reconfigure

    Nuxwin: Please change the wiki page.

    Already done :P


  • Does anybody have experience of changing from courier to dovecot on a running system with active virtual mailboxes?

  • Yes, it's not a problem. May the clients need to change the encryption type of the password in their mail client.