Git Master - Unable to migrate from ispCP - reiserfs

  • yes, I thought that could be the reiserfs ...
    this one have been installed by a friend, any other migration with my own servers on ext3 (4) worked well so far ...

    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • Re ;

    Reiserfs is also supporting extended attributes but you must enable them explicitly. In order, to enable extended attributes, you must follow these steps:

    Edit your /etc/fstab file to add the attrs option for your device. For instance:

    1. UUID=74699091-3ab8-43f2-bdd5-d1d898ab50fd / reiserfs notail 0 1

    Must be updated to:

    1. UUID=74699091-3ab8-43f2-bdd5-d1d898ab50fd / reiserfs notail,attrs 0 1

    Once you did this, you can remount your device. For instance:

    1. # mount -o remount /dev/disk/by-uuid/74699091-3ab8-43f2-bdd5-d1d898ab50fd

    And then, normally you must be able to update your i-MSCP system to last Git Master without any trouble (a least with the immutable bit).

    If needed, and according your previous answer, you can find the uuid of your device, with the following command:

    1. # blkid /dev/xvda1

    Thank you for using i-MSCP


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • re;


    I'll try now with a clean install (i-MSCP + Debian Wheezy with reiserfs). If all goes fine, I'll add reiserfs as supported file system and update the documentation according my previous answer.

    Thank you for using i-MSCP[hr]Re;

    This works. I'll update the documentation and add reiserfs as supported file system in Git master.


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • badge.php?id=1239063037&bid=2518&key=1747635596&format=png&z=547451206

  • Nuxwin, it seems there is another problem witm courier-ssl and pop3-ssl:

    1. Performing preinstall tasks for the po server: courierXXX[Mon Aug 26 15:54:16 2013] [debug] iMSCP::Execute::execute: Execute /etc/init.d/courier-authdaemon stop[Mon Aug 26 15:54:16 2013] [debug] iMSCP::Execute::getExitCode: External command exited with value 0[Mon Aug 26 15:54:16 2013] [debug] Servers::po::courier::stop: Stopping Courier authentication services: authdaemond.[Mon Aug 26 15:54:16 2013] [debug] iMSCP::Execute::execute: Execute /etc/init.d/courier-pop stop[Mon Aug 26 15:54:16 2013] [debug] iMSCP::Execute::getExitCode: External command exited with value 0[Mon Aug 26 15:54:16 2013] [debug] Servers::po::courier::stop: Stopping Courier POP3 server: pop3d.[Mon Aug 26 15:54:16 2013] [debug] iMSCP::Execute::execute: Execute /etc/init.d/courier-imap stop[Mon Aug 26 15:54:16 2013] [debug] iMSCP::Execute::getExitCode: External command exited with value 0[Mon Aug 26 15:54:16 2013] [debug] Servers::po::courier::stop: Stopping Courier IMAP server: imapd.[Mon Aug 26 15:54:16 2013] [debug] iMSCP::Execute::execute: Execute /etc/init.d/courier-pop-ssl stop[Mon Aug 26 15:54:16 2013] [debug] iMSCP::Execute::getExitCode: External command exited with value 255[Mon Aug 26 15:54:16 2013] [debug] iMSCP::Execute::execute: Execute /usr/bin/dialog --insecure --backtitle 'i-MSCP - internet Multi Server Control Panel' --title 'i-MSCP Setup Dialog' --colors --msgbox '\Z1[ERROR]\ZnError while performing step:Performing preinstall tasks for the po server: courierError was:\Z1An unexpected error occurred... \ZnPlease, post on to get any help.' 21 78 [Mon Aug 26 15:54:32 2013] [debug] iMSCP::Execute::getExitCode: External command exited with value 0[Mon Aug 26 15:54:32 2013] [debug] iMSCP::Execute::execute: Execute /usr/bin/dialog --insecure --backtitle 'i-MSCP - internet Multi Server Control Panel' --title 'i-MSCP Setup Dialog' --colors --msgbox '\Z1[ERROR]\ZnError while performing step:Servers pre-installationError was:\Z1An unexpected error occurred... \Zn

    this is strange:

  • Re :

    What is the exact command you have run?


  • thanks Nuxwin, now it's working and I migrated from ispcp :D
    I have purged courier-ssl and pop3-ssl and reinstalled, after that I used the latest master and it worked without any problems ...

    Edited once, last by fulltilt ().