i've updated the distro yesterday and tested a lot, upgrading to the latestet version of imscp and a lot of other things, but still remaining. When calling the imscp-webinterface:
- dispatch(iMSCP_Events::onLoginScriptStart); $action = isset($_REQUEST['action']) ? $_REQUEST['action'] : 'default'; $auth = iMSCP_Authentication::getInstance(); init_login($auth->getEvents()); switch ($action) { case 'logout': if ($auth->hasIdentity()) { $adminName = $auth->getIdentity()->admin_name; $auth->unsetIdentity(); set_page_message(tr('You have been successfully logged out.'), 'success'); write_log(sprintf("%s logged out", idn_to_utf8($adminName)), E_USER_NOTICE); } break; case 'login': // Authentication process is triggered whatever the status of the following variables since authentication // is pluggable and plugins can provide their own authentication logic without using these variables. if (!empty($_REQUEST['uname'])) $auth->setUsername(clean_input($_REQUEST['uname'])); if (!empty($_REQUEST['upass'])) $auth->setPassword(clean_input($_REQUEST['upass'])); $result = $auth->authenticate(); if ($result->isValid()) { // Authentication process succeeded write_log(sprintf("%s logged in", $result->getIdentity()->admin_name), E_USER_NOTICE); } elseif (($messages = $result->getMessages())) { // Authentication process failed $messages = format_message($messages); set_page_message($messages, 'error'); write_log(sprintf("Authentication failed. Reason: %s", $messages), E_USER_NOTICE); } } # Redirect user to its interface level if($action != 'logout') redirectToUiLevel(); $tpl = new iMSCP_pTemplate(); $tpl->define_dynamic( array( 'layout' => 'shared/layouts/simple.tpl', 'page_message' => 'layout', 'lostpwd_button' => 'page' ) ); $tpl->assign( array( 'productLongName' => tr('internet Multi Server Control Panel'), 'productLink' => 'http://www.i-mscp.net', 'productCopyright' => tr('© 2010-2013 i-MSCP Team
- All Rights Reserved'), 'THEME_CHARSET' => tr('encoding') ) ); /** @var $cfg iMSCP_Config_Handler_File */ $cfg = iMSCP_Registry::get('config'); if ($cfg->MAINTENANCEMODE && !isset($_REQUEST['admin'])) { $tpl->define_dynamic('page', 'box.tpl'); $tpl->assign( array( 'TR_PAGE_TITLE' => tr('i-MSCP - Multi Server Control Panel / Maintenance'), 'CONTEXT_CLASS' => 'box_message', 'BOX_MESSAGE_TITLE' => tr('System under maintenance'), 'BOX_MESSAGE' => nl2br(tohtml($cfg->MAINTENANCEMODE_MESSAGE)), 'TR_BACK' => tr('Administrator login'), 'BACK_BUTTON_DESTINATION' => '/index.php?admin=1' ) ); } else { $tpl->define_dynamic( array( 'page' => 'index.tpl', 'lost_password_support' => 'page', 'ssl_support' => 'page' ) ); $tpl->assign( array( 'TR_PAGE_TITLE' => tr('i-MSCP - Multi Server Control Panel / Login'), 'CONTEXT_CLASS' => 'login', 'TR_LOGIN' => tr('Login'), 'TR_USERNAME' => tr('Username'), 'UNAME' => isset($_REQUEST['uname']) ? stripslashes($_REQUEST['uname']) : '', 'TR_PASSWORD' => tr('Password'), 'TR_PHPMYADMIN' => tr('phpMyAdmin'), 'TR_LOGIN_INTO_PMA' => tr('Login into phpMyAdmin'), 'TR_FILEMANAGER' => tr('FileManager'), 'TR_LOGIN_INTO_WEBMAIL' => tr('Login into the webmail'), 'TR_WEBMAIL' => tr('Webmail'), 'TR_WEBMAIL_LINK' => '/webmail', 'TR_LOGIN_INTO_FMANAGER' => tr('Login into the filemanager'), 'TR_FTP_LINK' => '/ftp', 'TR_PMA_LINK' => '/pma' ) ); if ($cfg->exists('SSL_ENABLED') && $cfg->SSL_ENABLED == 'yes') { $tpl->assign( array( 'SSL_LINK' => isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 'http://' . htmlentities($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) : 'https://' . htmlentities($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']), 'SSL_IMAGE_CLASS' => isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 'i_unlock' : 'i_lock', 'TR_SSL' => !isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? tr('Secure connection') : tr('Normal connection'), 'TR_SSL_DESCRIPTION' => !isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? tr('Use secure connection (SSL)') : tr('Use normal connection (No SSL)') ) ); } else { $tpl->assign('SSL_SUPPORT', ''); } if ($cfg->LOSTPASSWORD) { $tpl->assign('TR_LOSTPW', tr('Lost password')); } else { $tpl->assign('LOST_PASSWORD_SUPPORT', ''); } } generatePageMessage($tpl); $tpl->parse('LAYOUT_CONTENT', 'page'); iMSCP_Events_Manager::getInstance()->dispatch(iMSCP_Events::onLoginScriptEnd, array('templateEngine' => $tpl)); $tpl->prnt();
whats this?
Anybody knows about that issue?
Kind regards