Usernames are domains?

  • Well as i already said i want to migrate my Froxlora server to i-mscp. I have customers with usernames and passwords and migrating wound be impossible without i-mscp support usernames.

    Hello ;

    I can provide a transitional plugin, which will allow the panel to authenticate your user using your own datasource (username/password stored in other table). It's ok?


  • Isn't it a better idea if i just spend some time to fix this . I want to get in the code anyway. If I am going to use it i have to know more about the structure and the project.
    Is it a lot of work to make that in the way it have to be?

  • Isn't it a better idea if i just spend some time to fix this . I want to get in the code anyway. If I am going to use it i have to know more about the structure and the project.
    Is it a lot of work to make that in the way it have to be?

    Yeah, it's a lot of work and it's planned for the 1.2.0 version. We 'll not do that change now because we are in freeze state.


  • Hallo,

    Just pinging on this problem. I woud be verry happy to see this thing done.

    I see greate work these days from you!