Plugin with backend got a wrong status

  • Hi Laurent,
    i'm working on a new plugin an this needs a backend.
    Everytime when activate, deactivate or uninstall the plugin the management does show me an unknown status.
    The reason is that the status is



    This will only with sinlge quotes when the plugin has a backend. When i remove the backend folder the status works fine.
    You can test it with this simple plugin...

    Edited once, last by TheCry ().

  • Hello ;

    I'll have a look this night.


  • Edit: Confirmed. A fast bugfix release is so needed. :rolleyes:


  • Re ;

    Should be fixed in last master. See…46396c40d39755542abfbda80


  • Hi Laurent.
    There is another problem with the plugin management when i use a backend.
    The plugin with backend is enabled and works fine. Then i do an upgrade from i-MSCP. After the upgrade the plugin status of the plugin is "unknown".
    In the table of the plugins the col "plugin_status" is empty and the col "plugin_previous_status" hast the entry "tochange".
    If i set the status to eneabled the plugin works fine again.

  • I'll review this. Thanks. ;)


  • An update of the plugin (new version) will set the plugin_status to empty too. But only if a backend is available

    Both issues (toupdate, tochange) should be fixed in master.


    TheCry likes this.